the Danish police and safety investigators continued Thursday to search for the causes of the serious railway accident on the Great belt bridge Wednesday morning. Death toll rose on Thursday to eight people, five women and three men.

A hint is the trailer that was found on the scene of the accident up on the bridge. A spokesperson for the haveriutredningen confirmed that the empty lastbilssläpet thrown by one of the wagons.

and was the head of the järnvägsoperatören Hector Rail, with operations in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Germany, and whose trains traversing the bridge across the Great Belt, says that one possible olycksteori is that the trailer is not anchored in the able in the right way and that it is in motion, due to the very hard wind.

” When I look at the pictures from the accident, I would guess that the trailer on the first cart has been anchored in the so-called Kingpinlådan as it should. The fierce north wind may have done to the trailer became twisted toward the opposite track and a projecting part collided with persontåget, ” says Nyblom.

Image 1 of 2 goods train that was involved in the accident what loaded with trailers filled with beer. Photo: Mads Claus Rasmussen/Ritzau Scanpix via AP Slide 2 of 2 A police officer on the space below the goods train that was involved in the fatal accident in Denmark. Photo: Michael Bager/Ritzau Scanpix/AP photo Slideshow

He explains that the trailer will be attached in much the same way as when connected to a tractor unit. In addition, there are more fasteners and the recesses in the vagnsgolvet to get the trailer to stand firmly. It was dark and the bad weather may have complicated the work at the terminal.

just speculation, but see nothing that contradicts it, and also refers to an incident in Germany just over four years ago with one of Hector Rail’s trains involved.

In the same way had a trailer shifted on the wagon and hit a bridge. There were no injuries, but the incident had a significant impact on the company’s lastningsbestämmelser and security.

“Hector Rail took this very seriously and went through the procedures with the staff at the terminal and their own staff,” says Nyblom, and explains that the loading is done in two steps.

– The loading shall ensure that the trailer ”click in”, but before the departure, it is the driver who has the ultimate responsibility to call the whole train and he will also make sure that the trailer is anchored in the right way, ” says Nyblom.

Read more: 40 motorists were fined for having photographed the train crash

described as very unusual. Mats Nyblom, agrees and says that he is in the side of the incident in Germany not can remember something similar, even if the freight trains can be lastförskjutningar for example, in the transportation of wood.

In the railways, people are talking about the free room, it säkerhetsutrymme to be around a train that it should certainly be able to get around without hitting against anything.

Of olycksbilderna on the Great belt bridge, it is clear that the driver of the passenger first carriage and its left side took the brunt. It was also here that several of the victims were.

It, ” says Mats Nyblom, strengthens the theory that the trailer struck against persontåget and then discarded by the goods train, but he stresses once again that it is haverikommissionen to determine the cause of the accident. He believes that this work will take time.

rescue workers at the scene after the accident. Photo: Mads Claus Rasmussen/Ritzau Scanpix/AP

under the bridge to search for parts from the trains.

Haverikommissionens manager, Martin Puggaard, tells Ekstrabladet, that the man set to work to collect data, interviews, and secured the black boxes on the trains, which can provide information about the speed at which trains are kept and when they slowed down. Puggaard do not want to speculate as to why the trailer had fallen off the wagon.

At the Thursday morning press briefing, said the police in Odense to the cause of the accident is still unknown and that one is not prepared to come up with some delteorier.

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