STOREBÆLTSBROEN (Dagbladet): Six people dead and 16 are injured after a dramatic accident with a lyntog on Storebæltsbrua between Funen and Zealand in Denmark yesterday.

Jesper Nielsen Spatzek and her daughter Rebekah of ten years were among the 131 passengers on the train.

After a couple of kilometers said it suddenly “bang”, says Nielsen Spatzek to TV 2 Fyn.

Fortunately, it went well with father and daughter, and Nielsen Spatzek tell that the mood in the train was pretty quiet, despite the extreme situation.

– Mind to those who have it worse than us, ” he says.

the Accident happened just after at 07.30 on Wednesday morning, after the area had been characterized by a powerful wind.

– Having to climb over the dead to save out survivors Dramatic scenes

Other passengers who were on board the ulykkestoget has told of the dramatic scenes during and after the fatal accident.

Simon Voldsgaard Tøndering helped in the effort to help the injured in the aftermath of the accident. It was also problematic to get the passengers out of the train.

– We tried to help them out, but we were going to have to go over the deceased who lay on the floor. We got out a survivor after 45 minutes. He had a broken rib and an arm. There was more left inside the train, ” says Tøndering.

He should have given his jacket say to the man in the 70 years that had a broken arm and ribs, according to BT.

Now calls him the man via BT, because he will know that all is not well.

– Got out several injured

Tøndering says he heard the man shouting for help from the stillekupeen, and that he and two other passengers got knocked into the door with a hammer. According to Tøndering got the three passengers out several wounded.

When it began to be bright, one could see that there was a lot of blood in there and one was not in doubt that several had died, ” he says.

Klaus Larsen, another passenger, tells Extra the Magazine that he’s had to pick shards of glass out of the neck to another passenger. He says that people in togvognen quietly began to talk together about what they had experienced, but more so very medtatte out, then the passengers were evacuated from the train.

– They were completely in shock. You could see it in their eyes. It was like a katastrofefilm, ” he says.

MORE DEAD: Multiple people are dead after a togulykke on Storebæltsbrua in Denmark. Video: Google Earth, NTB Scanpix. Clip: Ørjan Ryland / Dagbladet Show more Closed of the road

on Wednesday evening, the way was closed for a period of time past the bridge, and when the Newspaper ran past by 21-time there were long queues at the site.

do Not stop up and be interested in – and curious about – what’s going on. It we owe the traffic out there, but not the least the people who now are the victims of this terrible accident, ” said police commissioner Lars Bremhøj.

It was written out around 40 fines to the curious onlookers.

Accident caused by a trailer from a freight train rolled over the train, is the worst togulykken in Denmark in 30 years, according to the news agency Ritzau.

the Danish police have announced a press conference on the accident at 08 Thursday.

on Wednesday night had the police not yet managed to identify the deceased. Neither gender, age or nationality of the victims is known.

Six dead after that the goods suddenly toppled out from øltoget