“Unknown 34-year-old had the highest capital income in Sweden”

“Sebastian shield infographics is required on almost a half a billion in tax.”

“The new list of swedes with the highest income of the tax year is topped by an unknown stock trader.”

“Sebastian Thorburns sales provided a profit of over sek 1.6 billion, writes DI.”

“But the 34-year-old has not yet submitted his declaration and now requires he to nearly half a billion dollars in taxes.”

“the List of people with the highest income by tax year 2017 contains famous names such as Minecraftskaparen Markus ”Notch” Persson and H&M-the siblings Stefan Persson Lottie Tham. “

“But in the top is an unknown 34-year-old.”

“Sebastian Thorburns capital income was nearly sek 1.7 billion– 1 651 626 163 crowns, to be exact. It is clear from the Swedish Tax agency’s tax assessment for the income year 2017, which was completed in december.”

“– There was a good surplus, ” says Tax administrator and laughs.”

“Second on the list is Lottie Tham, whose income gains were barely a billion dollars in 2017.”

“Sold the shares for over 3 billion”

“Sebastian shield infographics is written in an apartment of 26 square meters on a cu002Fo address in southern Stockholm. According to Today’s Industry he is working with the stock trading as a daytrader and sold the 2017 shares at a value of nearly sek 3.3 billion. The Swedish tax agency estimates that half, just over 1.6 billion was profit. In addition to the sale of shares, he should have made a smaller profit on trading in other securities.”

“the Sta’s press secretary Ylva Vesterlund states for Aftonbladet that the shield infographics should pay more than 495 million in tax. “

“– It is the tax that it is a decision that he should pay. But I can’t see if he paid or not, ” she says.”

“According to DI has Sebastian shield infographics not paid their skattenota to the state. The newspaper writes that he did not submit a declaration last year, which meant that the Swedish Tax agency in mid-november chose to skönsbeskatta him. It means that the authority has made an estimate of his tax base, and then decided how much tax he should pay. Over 495 million he now owes the state corresponds to the annual cost of just over 3 300, of municipal nursery school places, which, according to statistics SWEDEN, the average cost 149 sek 400 by 2017.”

“Thorburns skattenota may, however, be reassessed if he / she sends in his declaration before the tax falls due on 25 February. The tax officer states that he does not have any other tax liabilities.”

“Aftonbladet have searched Sebastian shield infographics by telephone and e-mails for comment.”