“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“The town halls are unusually green. According to legend, built by a centerpartist who thought that the farmers along would control. But the early stages of new residents wanted it differently and in the latest election, the Centre party just a mandate in the municipal council.”

“nSedan 1970, the population more than tripled, and the majority of Botkyrkaborna have their roots in another country. When the war and persecution and banged on the gate, it hit the new swedes arrived. Alby, Fittja, Hallunda and Norsborg was the gateway into Sweden.nEbba Östlin (S) became the municipal president in 2016, in the mess after the refugee crisis. She was greeted by headlines about criminal networks have taken over entire neighborhoods. The year before had a car burned was the third day and the Conservatives of the local branch was infiltrated by the mafia.”

“No, ”red modes” longer”

“She did it sossar do – formed a working group. The police, social services and the school began together to clear up the situation.n– Our response was hard and soft at the same time. More social workers and mission to the school to catch up on children at risk in the past. The number of police officers rose from 59 to 180. And the police in the locality, they know the prank call at first name. Today, we have no red modes longer, ” says Ebba Östlin.n”

“Integration works”

“She was elected to the vice chairman of the Swedish national union of students, SFS, in all cases.n2003, the family moved to Botkyrka, and since three years she is, therefore, the president in a coalition with the Left party and the Greens. In spite of the crisis for the social democrats at the national level, she has good chances to continue after the autumn elections.nSedan the refugee crisis has Botkyrka received an additional three to four thousand new arrivals. It is not known exactly since the majority have not been placed in the municipality of the Swedish migration board, but moved in from other parts of Sweden. But Ebba Östlin see no ”

“Ok, with multiple identities”

“Saint botvid’s upper secondary school at Hallunda has in fact had the country’s highest direktövergång to the university. In particular, the Persian and syrian group has managed.n– Södertörn university college, has been of the utmost importance as a step for many who may not have had the opportunity to read on otherwise, ” says Ebba Östlin.nwhen I ask if the ”

“the Mentoring program for sjätteklassare”

“Botkyrka has tried to deal with the problem through the school and the social services. The number of orosanmälningar has increased and schools are working with a special prevention program with the example of the united states and Scotland, Mentor in violence prevention, the MVP.nTanken is to niondeklassare to bring the conversation about these issues with sjätteklassare. “

“Social services also try to talk with the parents and in the worst cases offer sheltered accommodation where it is needed.”

“– It is a serious situation. At the same time, it is important to point out that we have the great help of many that have come before and already integrated. To change values takes place in an interaction, ” says Ebba Östlin.nHon are concerns about where the public debate today is taking the road.”

“– With the SD also has vardagsrasismen grown and become more visible. But when we are knocking the door and meets voters who lean to the SD, it is primarily the welfare issues they want to talk about. As a school, or pensions. Enough prosperity to me? We must be able to answer better on that question, ” says Ebba Östlin.”