The true finns representative Ville Vähämäki fraud case has moved to the central criminal police, the prosecutor’s office. According to the prosecution, the case is thoroughly investigated and prosecution will be swift.Mps Ville a little hill (ps) is suspected of aggravated fraud. Petteri assistive aids and

central criminal police told before christmas that it suspects as deputies for felony fraud. The NBI did not mention the congressman by name, but the finns confirm the bulletin, that the crime suspect mp is Vähämäki. The second case joined mps Teuvo Hakkaraista (ps) is not suspected of any crime.

Vähämäki case does not come to the prosecutor’s on the table unexpectedly, but authorities have cooperated in the criminal investigation act, in the manner already the pre-trial stage. This makes it possible that the prosecutor is able to decide the prosecution or raise a failure to reasonably quickly.

– It is the representative of advantage, and in a way the whole of our parliamentary system of interest, the district attorney Juha-Mikko Hämäläinen said the upcoming parliamentary elections referring to.

the parliamentary elections held in 14. April. Vähämäki has announced it strives for a further period.

”Well researched story”

Hämäläinen, according to the prosecutor’s desk, the case itself is not terribly complicated, because the case is about one (rental)agreement, which has obtained economic advantage.

the Thing is well and carefully studied, He said.

it All hinges on the fact whether the parliament of deception, and whether parliament acknowledged this benefit, if the current information (apartment use) would have been used.

Vähämäki has issued a proposal that he himself, the landlord’s representative, that he sent the lease shall be amended so, that would go through also in the parliamentary administration and service department.

central criminal police suspects that the Vähämäki action as a result, the parliament has suffered unduly paid allowances in the form of economic damage for a total of about 41 000 euros. The parliamentary administration and service department, according to the little hill is a paid sauna on the basis of the increased expenses of around eur 13 000 and hakkarainen for about 28 000.

Vähämäki has denied the guilty fact of the crime, but returned unexpectedly in December to 13 000 euros to the parliamentary account. If Vähämäki found guilty of the fact of the crime, must he paid to parliament back also Hakkarainen stake in the sauna of the money.