more and more victims after a gas explosion: The blocks in Russia has cost the partial collapse of a residential at least 37 people. Hope to find the last Missing, disappears.

After the gas explosion in the Russian city of Magnitogorsk is the number of dead to at least 37 increased. In the night more bodies from the rubble of the residential house had been salvaged, reported the news Agency Tass citing the Russian civil protection. 22 of the 37 death victims were already identified.

Among the deaths of at least six children. According to the report, the rescue forces, four residents of the building under the rubble mountain. Three days after the collapse of hope to save the Missing, but barely. The temperatures in the Region are at night, about minus 20 degrees.

in Total, were rescued six people. Among them were two children. A ten-month-old Baby survived with frostbite, a head injury and several bone fractures.

The sympathy is great: people lay down in memory of the victims, flowers and stuffed animals.

the Exact cause of the disaster is still unclear

On Monday it was crashing a whole staircase of the ten-storied apartment blocks from Soviet times. According to media, at least 35 homes were destroyed, reports and ten more damaged. Dozens of people lost their homes.

investigators from a gas explosion. Traces of explosives were not found. In Russia, it always comes back to gas explosions, because many of the buildings are in a poor condition and safety rules are often disregarded. Alexander Bastrykin from the investigative Committee said on television that the gas installations in the collapsed apartment block had not been checked for months.

The industrial city of Magnitogorsk’s steel production is known. It is located on the southern Urals, about 1400 kilometers East of the capital Moscow, and has around 400,000 inhabitants.

Baby from building rubble, 01.01.2019 Atlas |Russia |Moscow

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