On Thursday of the 13 starts. The day of the “shutdown” in the US budget dispute. A The End? Not in sight.

After a Meeting of top Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer with US President Donald Trump on Wednesday afternoon in the White house, Neither Trump nor the Democrats deviate from their positions. The US President wants to wall a Deposit for the construction of a border, the Democrats think that is nonsense.

Pelosi and Schumer to offer as a basis for negotiation, $ 1.3 billion for General border security in the new budget. Trump wants to put us on a whopping 5.6 billion dollars and the construction of the wall. A stalemate situation in which no one of his face wants to lose. But it is solved only when one side gives in.

The US President does not want to take on this role, self-compromise from within its own ranks, he refuses to accept it. A few hours before the Meeting with Pelosi and Schumer he rejected a mediation attempt over 2.5 billion US dollars, wanted to negotiate to be Vice-President Mike Pence for two weeks with the Democrats.

Trump rejects all compromises

But so far not at all. The sum was not enough for the border security, Trump said during a Cabinet meeting a few hours before the Meeting with the Democrats: “no, not 2.5 billion dollars – we want to be 5.6 billion.”

trump’s cancellation after the negotiations with Pence is for the democratic leadership, a sign that it leads to nothing, to negotiate with the other members of the government, with the President personally. Pelosi, who will be elected on Thursday, in all likelihood, the new majority leader in the house of representatives, Schumer, who leads the Democrats in the Senate, have to talk to Trump directly.

another, longer existing, a proposal Republican senators did not find the Trump to be acceptable: to pair, the wall-financing to a law for the protection of the so-called “Dreamer”, so that the young migrants of the year came as children illegally in the United States. According to the Motto: you (the Democrats) give us the money for the wall. And we (the Republicans) give the “Dreamern” a legal Status and a work permit.

Just as inconclusive as the attempts at mediation by the Republican senators Lamar Alexander (Tennessee) and Lindsey Graham (South Carolina) were in the last days. “This could go on for a long time, but it could also be solved quickly,” commented Trump the administration state of emergency dry. “The issue is too important to give in.”

But the fact that Trump actually gets its 5.6 billion for the wall, believes in Washington. Not even in the Republican-dominated Senate there is a majority for this sum. Pelosi announced immediately at the first meeting of the new house of representatives on Thursday a draft budget law to submit. The proposal provides for the funding of all ministries with the exception of the Department of homeland security.

This authority in whose area of responsibility falls to the border security, would be only up to 8. February financed between. According to Pelosi, this model would provide the negotiating parties with a good month of time, the dispute over the wall to dispel. Schumer called on Trump to accept the draft, instead of from the budget freeze, the affected government employees as “hostages”.

But the efforts of the Democrats to find a quick solution are probably a pointless endeavor. The White house was immediately clear that the President would accept a draft budget with the requested amount. Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate majority leader, announced that a draft budget only vote if the US President agrees to it.

On Friday, the negotiations continue

in The budget dispute to a standstill for nearly two weeks, large parts of the Federal authorities. Museums, courts and Offices remain closed. In the national parks and campsites, garbage accumulates, in part, the American media of vandalism reports, there is no Supervisory staff is present. From the “Shutdown” affected 800’000 government employees and thousands of subcontractors. Either you are currently on forced leave or need to work on a transitional basis without a salary.

experience with budget locks in the past have shown that there is a “Shutdown” of the US taxpayer-per-day cost of an eight-digit Dollar amount, due to lost productivity and negative economic effects.

Trump also be widerlegtes the election campaign, reiterated on Wednesday the promise that Mexico will pay for the construction of the wall. Through the new trade agreement USMCA (the successor of the Treaty of NAFTA) would Finance the Mexicans even now, the border wall, he claimed. That’s not true.

Trump has invited Pelosi and Schumer now, to further talks on Friday. Then the new house of representatives is the democratic majority already in the office and brings more bargaining power to the table. The conversations will be easier. The Shutdown is likely to drag on for a while. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 03.01.2019, 07:56 PM