It was an escalation with the announcement. In her new year’s address on Tuesday, Taiwan’s President, Tsai Ing had explained to-Who, that their country was not ready to own “sovereignty, abandon or make concessions in terms of autonomy”. The response of the Chinese President Xi Jinping followed promptly and was, as such, are a little surprising. Provocations of this kind in Beijing answered, usually immediately. Concern is the hardness, with the Chinese President responded to Tsais speech was rather.

In a speech on Wednesday in the Great hall of the people in Beijing, he said, no one and no party could stop the Trend in direction of an Association. The independence of the island state is a cul-de-SAC, and contrary to the Trend of history. China wants to achieve a peaceful reunification, but “no room for separatist activities”. The country give no promise to refrain from the “use of force”: “We reserve the right to take all necessary funds.” China must and will be reunited.

Since 1949,

Even if it remains at the usual sabre-rattling from Beijing, separated, shows the threat of a forced Association how tense relations have become. Taiwan and the people’s Republic of China, separated since the civil war, in the middle of the last century from each other. The Communists had set in 1949 against the rival nationalists, and on the mainland, the people’s Republic of China. The defeated enemy fled to the 160 kilometers from the mainland opposite the island of Taiwan and formed a government of their own.

China considers the island Republic that holds democratic elections and its own currency and its own legal system has, until today, as a breakaway country, and threatening a reconquest. To let the conflict escalate, Taiwan has never declared formally its independence. Officially, the consensus from the year 1992 to the effect that both belong to one China, but different interpretations of what that means. China has referred to a Declaration of independence by Taiwan several times as a red line that will accept the Land of “never”, as President Xi Jinping of 2017, said. In the spring of last year, he said in Beijing before the delegates of the Chinese national Parliament, “not one inch of this wonderful country” to assign. The Taiwan question is China, a nationalist charged debate. As part of the re-rise of China to a world sketched Xi makes Jinping several times already, the reunification of Taiwan with the people’s Republic of.

The relationship between Taiwan and China since the inauguration of the President of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen of the worst for many years. In 2016, the progressive party DPP had won the elections with the promise to go differently than the previous government more at a distance to China. As a reaction to Tsais refusal to support a watered-down Form of the One-China principle, has split China, the official channels to Taipei.

Frequent demonstrations

5 of the 22 States that Taiwan finally acknowledged, responded to Beijing’s demands and ended their diplomatic relations with the island nation. Many companies in the world buckled in addition to threats from Beijing and dissolved the categories of Country “Taiwan”. Flights and Hotels in Taiwan are now carried out at many of the companies under the category of “PRC”. Also, Switzerland does not recognise Taiwan as an independent state. On several occasions, China has conducted the last military exercises off the coast of the country.

In a year of national elections in Taiwan, where the threats from China play a decisive role. The ruling progressive party DPP is the question of how the election campaign in the coming months. The KMT propagated aggressively the rapprochement with China. Tsais China policy is in their own party, many too hard and others too soft.

The isolation attempts of Beijing and the increasingly threatening demands of China’s President Xi after a reunification lead in Taiwan to mass demonstrations. Thousands called least in the case of protests, the formal independence, to get rid of the “Course changes” of the neighboring state. Many young people who have never lived in the people’s Republic and in the democratic Taiwan, grew up, feel primarily as Taiwanese, not Chinese. The Taiwan crash in a difficult to be resolved in the end Dilemma, it wants to prevent an open conflict with Beijing.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 03.01.2019, 06:07 PM