The exclusive little slimy oysters and its artsfælle mussel gets the emotions in a boil.

Both by the Limfjord, where they fished, but also on the Christiansborgs times.

For after it has emerged that the fisheries minister Eva Kjer Hansen (V) on the day of the year østerspremiere have visited Svend Bonde Søe, which have licenses of the new ceiling and also have spoken very much against the new agreement in this area, considering DF’s fiskeriordfører Ib Poulsen, if he can continue in the area.

– We have a minister who is busy running solo and eat oysters.

– It is a bit strange that she choose to visit the person who is most encouraging in relation to speak out against the scheme, and who have utilized the waiting time, the minister has created.

Why must Ib Poulsen discuss and consider its future as fiskeriordfører.

I have Therefore taken the decision that it goes no further. Patience is completely gone. I will present the case to my management, and so the team must find out what is going to happen.

20. June this year, all political parties agreed that the oysters and muslingefiskere in the Limfjord are not allowed to own more than three licenses. Those who have more, have the new agreement to the end of 2026 to part with the licenses.

the Background for the agreement is to ensure that kvotekoncentrationen in the Limfjord, do not take the upper hand and to keep the life in the small ports.

Ib Poulsen is also frustrated because he believes that the minister has dragged the process out.

Ib poulsen’s (DF) patience with fiskeriministeren is completely used up. He is now considering whether he can continue as fiskeriordfører. Photo: Rasmus Flindt Pedersen

There should namely go right to 11. december, before the minister came with a notice as a result of the agreement. It was the same day, which was the deadline for responses to the notice. The notice has effect from 11. december and not from June, as well as Ib Poulsen desired.

And it strikes even deeper swath in the already tried relation to the minister.

– She has completely separated ourselves from the political process, and it is an unheard of procedure here at Christiansborg.

– the Minister has been busy to carry out some interests, and it has not been particularly klædeligt, he says.


Svend Søe Pawn is the oyster – and muslingefisker, who has cried at the most in order to avoid that the quotas were put down.

He fishes both oysters and mussels in Glyngøre, and has also østersbaren From Fjord to Fork – the oyster bar, where fiskeriministeren, her daughter and two employees of the ministry celebrated the østerspremiere with beer, champagne and gourmetøsters.

A visit there of Skive Folkeblad was described as a mixture of an official and a regular hyggebesøg.

On the østersbarens Facebook page it is also described that the future of the sector were discussed with the minister.

Of the shipping register and a folketingssvar from the fisheries, it appears that Svend Søe Pawn has four østerskvoter and three and a half muslingekvoter. Some of them he has acquired a few days before the agreement fell into place in the Danish Parliament, and the trades are approved only in fiskeristyrelsen 25. July – that is over a month after the agreement was concluded.

because of the visit, the wound Ib Poulsen doubt, the interests, the minister wont.

– She probably should have considered that the visit to an association that has a president that represents the broad interests instead. There is obviously someone who has better access to the minister, than her contacts.

the Extra Leaf has contacted Eva Kjer Hansen to get answers as to why she visited just a Journeyman Søe Pawn. She has not had time to interview before the deadline. But sending through his press officer program from the day, where it appears that she visited several other the same day.

in Addition, the ministry invitation from Journeyman Søe Peasant to the minister. Of the it appears that Svend Søe Pawn would like to present the fiskeriministeren a book, and talk about, among other things, sustainable oyster fishery.


Svend Søe Peasant who had a visit by Eva Kjer Hansen to østerspremieren tells that to every a period of time is an open invitation to the current minister for fisheries.

For the Extra Magazine he tells that starfish and an invasive østersart among other things, was on the agenda for the minister’s visit.

the Article continues under the picture

Svend Søe Pawn is very unhappy with the new kvotelofter on the mussel – and østersområdet. Photo: Ernst van Norde

the additional licenses he has purchased, he says:

I thought not at all, that the agreement would be for something, that’s why I bought more licenses.

He tells furthermore that the deal was a long time coming.

In contrast to the Ib Poulsen (DF) is østersfiskeren, despite the new quotas, glad the present minister for fisheries.

– She understands things from our side, and she has done everything she could to keep the old model.

He does not hide that he is very unhappy with the new ceiling for allowances.

– It is unfair to us, who have fought us for four allowances, must make a quarter of what we own, because some rapporteurs have been an idea on the here agreement.

– I was never achieved here, and if I had not dream and believe in it. But it has partly been taken from me now. But we fight on.