The CSU brings to their winter retreat at the operating temperature for the “year of renewal”. Everything will be different than 2018. New faces, new topics, less hassle. Harmony of the order.

in 2018, was for the CSU, a year marked by confrontation: the confrontation with Angela Merkel and its sister party, CDU, in the asylum policy, the internal fight between Markus Söder and Horst Seehofer before the state election, or the staff discussions after the historically bad election result.

2019 is going to be different. “The year of renewal” is called the CSU. And that starts with the traditional Winter conference of the national group, in the upper Bavarian monastery of Seeon. Here are the members of the Bundestag swing first – for 2019. The demand for a state-owned company for mobile telephony, in order to close the radio holes, in Germany, finally – this is a proven CSU-move, to bring himself into the conversation and to begin the political year.

And thereafter the operating temperature remains high. It is the examination of the parliamentary group to follow in mid-January and right after the special Convention on 19. January with the election of the new Chairman. There will be no promising candidates, the election is a mere formality for Söder.