“Sanctions harm north korea’s civilian population,”

“Help to reach the population in the impoverished north Korea thanks to the exception in the sanctions. But since a few months delay, the united nations to issue a derogation and the introduction of, inter alia, food and sjukvårdsmateriel is down. It can have serious consequences for the civilian, warns the Red Cross.”

“In north Korea there is a well developed network of primärvårdskliniker, a kind of simple health clinics with a few nurses and in the best cases, a doctor. However, blood lacks all the basic supplies such as medicines and sjukvårdsinstrument.”

“– You often use traditional medicines, such as herbs. There you can really see how fragile health system, says the Swedish Red Cross-chair Margareta Wahlström,who recently visited the closed country.”

“In summer, the experienced north Korea a long period of drought which hit hard against both rice and majsskördarna – something that threatens to further escalate the already severe famine in the dictatorship.”

“several years back, the UN, the EU and individual countries imposed sanctions against north Korea, which is rooted in the country’s ambitions to acquire nuclear weapons. The sanctions dictate wide the goods and the extent to which goods may be carried in and out of the country.”

“outside Help plays a big role, both when it comes to food and health care. And help is possible to distribute, as aid organizations can apply for exemptions from the sanctions, referring to humanitarian reasons. Applications are made half-yearly, but some time back, the UN sanctions committee delayed notification to the organizations.”

“– The sanktionsbeslutet exempts humanitarian needs, but the interpretation of the decision has put restrictions made to both medicines and other equipment has been almost completely blocked during the six months, ” says Margareta Wahlström, adding that the UN must speed on the proceedings.”

“– We have no insight into the decision-making process. Why does it take so long time, why do we get no clear answer? We work on the basis of the stock that we already have taken into the country. But in order to be able to continue in the coming years, we need to take in more, ” she says.”

“– the Trump has pressed on and been very inflexible with to alter the sanctions in any way, ” he says.”

“Even if the political conversation between Trump and north Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un has cooled considerably after the meeting in Singapore in the summer, was Kim in his new year speech clear that the US must ease the sanctions if the regime should stand by the promises of kärnvapenavveckling.”

“That sanctions can now be said to directly strike against the already severely affected the civilian population could be of benefit to north Korea, says Niklas Swanström.”

“– I Would be Kim Jong-Uns speechwriter, I would say: “

“at the same time, points out Swanström, it is important that the world acts in unity. Easing the sanctions – even if it comes to the humanitarian aspects – is the risk to end up on a slippery slope, where countries like China and Russia might try to lift sanctions against north Korea on the sly.”

“– Then we can no longer exert pressure against north Korea. But it is indefensible that they are not allowed in medications and the support, in particular women and children in the country need to. It should be pretty apolitical, ” he says.”

“the UN decided in 2006 to impose sanctions on north Korea, since the country implemented its first test. Then you have adopted a series of other resolutions, as north Korea has become more progressive in its nuclear weapons programme.”

“The 11 september 2017, the united nations adopted resolution 2375, among other things, greatly reduces the amount of oil that can be brought into the country and prohibits textile exports – one of the country’s largest incomes.”