What has given China’s state and party chief Xi Jinping since in the Great hall of the people in Beijing, sounds ominous: Xi talked of reunification with Taiwan, if necessary by force, force. We reserve the right to “all necessary means”, he said. And in fact, the Situation for the island has become dangerous. This is not but not so much to XI’s speech, ultimately, he repeated it as the official position of his people’s Republic, which regards Taiwan as a renegade province that must be reunited again one day with the mainland. It is, rather, to the changing global conditions that make it more likely that this day could not be too remote.

Since the independence efforts in Taiwan. De facto, the 23 million island residents are already independent, formally, but that’s a whole other thing. The Declaration of formal independence would be in the people’s Republic as a reason for military Intervention, for 40 years. Taiwan’s President, Tsai Ing-Wen has therefore such a Declaration is not on the Agenda. However, the demands of the people’s Republic, the “reality” of the “Republic of China on Taiwan”, the official Name of their country, recognize. Suspicious is observed on the mainland, Taiwan, under Tsai politically from the mainland.

Xi Jinpings speech is a reaction to that, and the threat of violent reunification serves the Chinese nationalism that legitimized in the meantime, the dictatorship of the Communist party. The KP is therefore in the Taiwan issue in domestic politics under pressure. How weak our KP is, and what it needs still, could ask for China’s nationalists, if Taiwan should ever declare independence. For a reunion, is Xi Jinpings current answer.

but Above all, the speech is addressed to the USA and its President, Donald Trump. This has enmeshed China in a costly Trade dispute that is for the Communist party threat. Because of continuing economic growth, the other leg of the One-party-rule in China. Now, however, the official promise of the KP is that it is all Chinese to 2021 economically significantly better, due to the current economic haze in question.

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speech of President Xi Jinping of China Taiwan threatens with violent re-unification

With the threat of a militarily-enforced re-unification has Xi Jinping created a further push for negotiations with the United States. The United States have committed to the “Taiwan Relations Act” of 1979 in support of Taiwan. You are a political and military Partner of the island. Whether you are in the event of a military confrontation with China, may be in doubt under the current President, at least. Trump wants to are known to make the US “great” – an island in the East China sea is likely to play in his considerations only a minor role. Also, it makes the situation for Taiwan dangerous.