“Closer to 100 000 without power in the storm”

“Tens of thousands of households in Sweden is during the night without electricity because of the heavy storm, Alfrida, which continues to crumble.”

“the øresund bridge is closed in both directions, and over 97 000 households without power early in the morning, but this number will change quickly.”

“– Class 2-warnings for eastern Svealand is left in the morning. Also for the island of Gotland is a class 2-warning the left and the island of Öland we have a class 1-warning for very strong winds, said meteorologist Sandra Andersson at the SMHI to the TT at the clock 05.”

“Although it will remain very windy across much of the country is the winds slowly decreasing.”

“– There is a continued risk of gusts in the area for another hour or two. They will be downgraded to class 1 in the morning but it is only during the afternoon that I have a more general waning winds of Uppsala and Stockholm, ” says Sandra Andersson.”

“On the island of Gotland has the winds come in again properly early in the morning. At Fårösund have winds on the eur 34.7 metres per second was measured, and at Visby airport, the wind blows 26 metres per second in the villages.”

“Tens of thousands of households are during the night without electricity because of the storm, Alfrida, but the figure changes constantly.”

“In the Stockholm county, which suffered tens of thousands of subscribers to the power outage during the night.”

“In Söderköpings municipality, many of a disruption at 23.30.”

“– They are mostly out in the archipelago and it is not so strange as it blows wildly out to sea, ” says Björn Persson at Eon’s press office just after midnight, if the interruption in Östergötland.”

“Many trees have fallen on wires. There are also trees located on the non-insulated wires.”

“– What we can do here in the night is to make connections out of the network so that we are immersing themselves the defect to such a limited area as possible, ” says Björn Persson.”

“Omkopplingsarbetet takes place both from the operations and in the out field.”

“the Actual repair work will be carried out during Wednesday. For safety reasons it is done not during the night.”

“– We’ll see how we can do it in the archipelago where many islands are affected. There will, of course, not by car, but by boat, and we are not doing that in the dark. Quite many in the area runs the risk that it may take until it starts to lighten in the morning before the power comes back, says Björn Persson.”

“the transport department advises against travel that is not absolutely necessary in the areas worst affected by the storm, Alfrida, and where the trees fall over the roads.”

“Those who travel there should take extra caution even in other parts of the country where there are strong winds.”

“the Öresund bridge was closed in both directions shortly after noon to 03 and is expected to remain closed until 07. Vindkänsliga vehicle’s recommended not to drive over the bridge during the morning or mid-morning due to the harsh winds.”