the League has problems accessing the spectators, and in this week’s midtugerunde helped it not that the thermometer was approaching minus 10 degrees, the wind was fierce and the snow tumbled down.

In the West there were, however, three female spectators, who had an experience beyond the usual. They could experience the Superliga match between Hobro and FC Copenhagen from a vildmarksbad with very hot water, while they had a free bar with beer and soft drinks.

– the Idea came from our works manager, and from our kampsponsor Hancock, and they decided to make it here. They made a competition on Facebook, where you could invite three friends or girlfriends with, say hobro town head of communications Daniel Lindemann Jakobsen to Ekstra Bladet.

– the Response has been absolutely crazy. Usually we have maybe between 1000 and 3000 views on our spillerinterviews on Facebook, but we have provisionally had about 35,000, says Jakobsen on the lookup, where a couple of players told about the prize.

589 participated in the competition, so thus had more than half of the total attendances at 1013, in theory, been tried.

it Is a success, I will repeat for several matches?

– We have not talked about it yet. At first it was just thought of as a simple gimmick, but personally, I think that we could consider it, says Jakobsen.

the Article continues below the images

The lucky girls to the Superliga match between Hobro and FC Copenhagen. Photos: Claus Bonnerup

the Extra Leaf is not the only one who has noticed vildmarksbadet in Hobro.

– We have been able to read about it in all sorts of media. It has been both Bild in Germany, The Guardian in the Uk, Bleacher Report, and so we have been in contact with a from Russia also. We’re talking otherwise that it they had to have seen in Russia before, laughing the head of communications.

Also, The Sun has discovered. ” -the girls…

Also the other spectators in the stadium noted that there were special spectators in place.

– Them down in the corner thought it was pissefedt. There was enough not so many, who had thought that there were just three girls who asked up, but it was freshly made.

– one of The girls chose the just, to run on to the field before the break, so there was a little extra hoot, says Daniel Lindemann Jakobsen

It should normally not run into on the course, but escaped, she still a fine?

Haha, I don’t think she has got no right here, he laughs.

the TELEVISION images demonstrates how the one girl is itching of the place in the turquoise bikini, while she tries to have as little foot grass and snow.

And the girls were quite understandably excited for the event.

– We had invited them for food before the battle, vildmarksbad during the fight, and then it was the plan that the break could go in and get coffee and cake, but they would not enter, because they enjoyed themselves so much, explains the head of communications in the West.

hobro town next home fixture is 10. march at home against Silkeborg.