the end of the year will be charged. Who is employed in the home, someone should fill in these weeks with a form for the compensation Fund. In the case of the SVA Zurich, the entry deadline is at the end of January. No matter, whether cleaning woman, gardener, or other domestic workers – who use for a private hour, to the employer or to the employer. Thus, a number of other obligations are in addition to the payment of wages.

Who hires the staff, needs to settle as it is in every employer’s ratio of AHV and IV and the employees against accidents insurance. Also the holiday entitlement is included in the salary. It sounds complicated, but thanks to a simplified procedure, the effort to cope with relatively easily.

the help by Online computer

Instead of monthly, must be accounted for in this method, the social insurance only once per year. In addition, five percent is deducted in taxes. Many employees appreciate it, if you can live without thanks to this withholding tax, a Declaration in the annual tax Declaration. In addition, the rate is comparatively low. This procedure is, however, only at low gross income of up to 21150 francs. It is higher, in addition to the occupational Pension scheme. For the compulsory accident insurance, there are many providers. In General, this costs 100 Swiss francs per year.

Some of the compensation funds provide you with Online calculators for additional assistance. For example, the SVA Zurich on your Internet site. It is known under the keyword “Online calculator” and “housekeeper”. There, all the Numbers seconds according to wage and holiday claims quickly calculated. In addition, there is a form that can be used for the correct monthly payroll. Once completed, employers must enter in subsequent months, only the number of hours of work, and the Rest is calculated.

In one’s own household hurt

Who does not pay the insurance of the house employees correctly, and in this sense, staff black employees, not only undermining the social protection of the employees – he’s risking to get in trouble himself. This is the case, for example, if the compensation Fund will receive instructions and payments, together with five percent interest requires.

It also happens that a cleaner is injured while working in the own household, for example because she falls from a ladder. At the latest at the doctor the question after the mandatory accident insurance comes in.

special case Sackgeldjob

Lacking this, the employer must pay the treatment cost to pay, such as Jürg Thalmann of the furniture to be explained. In such cases, the replacement Fund takes on UVG cost of the healing. But at the same time, you will not only lose the employer after having assessed the individual case. In addition, this is obliged to accident insurance and to pay retroactive premiums.

In a different category of payroll so-called dead to fall-money jobs. An example of this is the hats service of the neighbor girl. Here there is no need for payroll. For 2015 a family for bag have to pay money jobs, no social contributions such as AHV and IV. And up to the age of 25 years and a merit of a year, 750 francs, as well as the accident insurance is not mandatory. For older Babysitter.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 01.01.2019, 15:08 PM