There is one thing I thinking about when I’m trying to avoid tripping on the electric scooters that litter everywhere: how is it that a generation of Swedish men seem to be fixated on both the beard and the toys? Is not it an oxymoron, a linking of opposites?

the Beard has traditionally been the proof that there is an adult in the room. A beardless young man has turned to the man. Scooters is associated with the small boys in sailor suit. How should one explain these two different åldersattribut entered into a perplexing compound of the contemporary bike path?

”Go ask Alice, I think she’ll know.”

Alice can provide answers and another question about the cultural contexts and the typical approach, then, but perhaps even now.

probably right. It was Slick who wrote and sang ”White rabbit”, Jefferson Airplanes hit from 1967. It is not only a brilliant popsång and a more or less evident tribute to the hallucinogenic drugs, but also a short version of perhaps the world’s most relied on and recycled children’s book, ”Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll.

the Book contains many gåtfullheter, for example, a Cheshirekatt that disappears piece by piece until only grinet will be left. But Alice can also provide answers and another question about the cultural contexts and the typical approach, then, but perhaps even now. Thus: ”Down the rabbit hole!”

A summer’s day, it was on July 4, 1862, took the 30-year-old don in the mathematics of Charles Dodgson and his friend Robinson Duckworth, with three girls on a boat trip up the river Thames. The girls were the daughters of Henry George Liddell, dean of Christ Church, one of Oxford’s most prestigious college. After a couple of hours of rowing joined the society in the country to drink tea in the pastoral landscape. As several times before, wanted the sisters to hear a tale. Dodgson told Alice that disappears in a rabbit hole.

– the legend of how Lewis Carroll, Charles Dogdsons pseudonym, came to write themselves into literary history. Kärnberättelsen if Alice was developed to a handwritten manuscript entitled ”Alice in the Underground”, completed in 1864. The following year, he published the finished book version under the title ”Alice in Wonderland”.

The first English edition came out in 1870.

the Reviews were not overwhelmingly positive. But the victorian book purchasing public loved Lewis Carroll’s spunky heroine and her bizarre friends: the duchess, the mad hatter, the talking playing cards.

Carroll followed in 1871 up the success with another book about Alice on the adventure: ”Through the looking-glass and what Alice found there”, (”Alice in the looking-glass”). And since then, Alice has not only been placed in millions of bookshelves without also climbed down and become one of all of these freebooters in the arts and popular culture who can do and be almost anything.

An imaginative and colourful orgy of extravagant costumes and stage sets christmas crackers

as tåspetsprimadonna at The Royal Danish Theatre in Copenhagen. The set is basically a british lyxpaket, with choreography by Christopher Wheeldon. The ballet ”Alice’s adventures in Wonderland” had its world premiere at Covent Garden in London, 2011.

From the ”Alice in Eventyrland” at The Royal Theatre in Copenhagen. Photo: Costin Radu

It Kongeliges version, ”Alice in Eventyrland”, is a co-production with the Royal Opera in Stockholm. Where was this imaginative and colourful orgy of extravagant costumes and stage sets christmas crackers for the first time in 2016, with the replay of the season in 2018. In Copenhagen, it has now for the second time made service that julextravaganza.

Can I dance absurdistiska puns? Obviously. The ballet follows surprisingly faithfully to the model. But as the critics pointed out, when the show had the English version, there is a clear difference between the book and the ballet: in the later play the love lead. It was explained as a concession for a genrekonvention; the classic ballet’s operational movement towards a revelatory pas de deux.

in its structure oddly similar to another julbalett, ”the Nutcracker”. Beyond and beneath all the antics and absurdity, it is about a how a young pocket suspects, discovers and affirms the eroticism. This is a problem. In particular, since the team behind the Alice-ballet chosen to create a frame story. Where we get to meet Lewis Carroll in the garden of the family Liddell. We see him shooting Alice. Suddenly he is transformed into the white rabbit, and so is the story going.

Lewis Carroll as the red-eyed rabbit in tight tights inspire not safe with the one who senses something suspicious behind a 30-year-old university teachers, fixation on a 10-year-old girl.

Alice Liddell was 8 years old the first time Dodgson/Carroll met her, 10 when she inspired him to the story about the girl who disappears in the rabbit hole. Himself, he never got any children, never married, lived and worked at Christ Church throughout his life, from student years until he died in 1898, 65 years old.

the Friend of the family. The snälle ”onkeln”. We have learned to look with suspicion on the character. Nätpedofiler and groomingfall has given us an argument for this suspicion.

the Gardener’s boy Jack kurtiserar Alice, in the guise of the jack of Hearts. Photo: Costin Radu

for all the part not the adult rabbit Carroll without the gardener’s boy Jack, who, in the guise of the jack of Hearts, kurtiserar Alice. For safety’s sake, she has here also made older than in the book, been moved from barndomslandet to tonårsriket. But still? Lewis Carroll as the red-eyed rabbit in tight tights inspire not safe with the one who senses something suspicious behind a 30-year-old university teachers, fixation on a 10-year-old girl. In particular, not because Charles Dodgson was also a frequent barnfotograf, who are happy to let their models pose in various genretablåer. Alice Liddell was one of his favorites. In a famous photo, she acts tiggarflicka.

He was also interested in nakenfotografering. Oxfordprofessorn Robert Douglas-Fairchild tells in his book ”The story of Alice. Lewis Carroll and the secret history of Wonderland,” that Dodgson used to write to the mothers in order to obtain permission to photograph their little daughters naked. It sounds suspect. Was it also maybe.

But one must also remind himself that victorian England was in our eyes so strange world that Alice fell down in. Energetically tried the victorians sort of existence, draw sharp boundaries between what could be shown and what must be hidden, between innocence and sin, the idyllic home and the brutal outside world.

victorian England was a merciless society where underklassens children early on forced to submit to vuxenlivets most brutal realities of life while the upper-class adults were able to play through life.

”the girls are personifications of freedom and truth, purity icons in a fallen and förfulad world”, writes Robert Douglas-Fairhurst. In this respect, was Carroll enough to an exemplary victory. But, as Douglas-Fairhurst at the same time, had it in the 1800-century England has become increasingly difficult to keep life in the idea of childhood as a protected wonderland. Victorian England was a merciless society where underklassens children early on forced to submit to vuxenlivets most brutal realities of life while the upper-class adults were able to play through life. At the same time as the victorian artists painted sentimental pictures of innocent children sold to very young girls as “virgins” in London’s brothels.

It was probably not at least just this gap between ideal and reality which made the “Alice in Wonderland” such a success. There was a need among the british middle class to strengthen and consolidate the idea of the nursery as a paradise, a wonderland. The economic relationship widening gap between the välbeställdas children and the poor kids. Interestingly enough, the 1860’s also, as the author A N Wilson points out in his great exposé of queen Victoria, the united kingdom, ”The Victorians”, a golden period of “childhood” and children’s book.

This nostalgic colored idea of a “Paradise lost” and “Paradise regained”, to borrow the titles from the 1600-century John Milton’s classic work, the live then proceed in the classic british barnkammarfantastiken, in ”Peter Pan” (1904), in ”Mary Poppins” (1934)…

And maybe the answer to the riddle, “why so many beards on scooters” is that we, as once the victorians, have become so accustomed to dealing with double standards, double postings, and conflicts between the ideal and the reality that it can now be seen as completely natural, almost necessary, that both strive to look like the adult in the room and try to transform the room into a nursery.