The presenter May day Pim published pictures of Teemu-loved ones with. Video of the May day Pim told me in the spring of 2017 the busy everyday life of children.

Presenter Labor day Pim recalls in social media in many other ways worn in 2018. Instagram is the new year under the popular share nine of the best pictures which tell their own for the past year.

image in May day Pim in August 2018. Inka Soveri

May write to done also image collage. A large part of the picture he’s posing Teemu-loved ones next to the dress. Also May’s daughter, Selma and Viola , have reached the image. Along with the picture of Labor day is kissing Teemua gently.

–Well ni, I knew how to do, thank you steam! The mystery man seems to be the hot stuff also my insta on the basis of a Labor to write the image in the text of the laugh emoticons with.

If the image is not showing, you can watch it here.

May day Teemu Huuhtanen has not been very much in the public eye. The securities journal recently made the case, which was the Next games as the managing director of the Huuhtanen.

the Journal mentions that he is known, inter alia, networking between their business success and famous relatives. His father is the ex-minister Jorma Huuhtanen n, and an uncle, the late economist and private equity firm Pentti Kour i.

Labor day and Teemu were married in 2013.