Animals are Not only the Indonesian inhabitants around the active volcano, Anak Krakatau are threatened by new eruptions and a possible tsunami. Also, the last Javan rhino in the world lives there. A second tsunami would at one time, the entire population can wipe out.

It is currently the biggest fear for the Ujung Kulon National Park: that new huge waves in one fell swoop the 67 Javan rhinos that live in the dead emit. They are the last of this type of rhino left on earth and the worldwide Fund for Nature qualifies them as the rarest of the five existing neushoornsoorten. “There is life nowhere else Javan rhino, not even in captivity. If we have this population loss, than is the species extinct’, gave the wereldnatuurorganisatie already.

If we have this population loss, the kind is extinct

World wildlife Fund

Read also Indonesia warns: “Extreme weather can kraterwand of volcano do go, stay away from the coast’, death toll, and in the meantime 430

The natural park is located in the shadow of the Anak Krakatau, the volcano that Saturday night with an eruption, a landslide, and tsunami caused. At least 426 people (new official death toll, eds.) were killed, including two employees of the reserve. But the 67 rhinos remained unscathed. They spend most of their time happily by on the southern coast of the peninsula, while the high waves of the tsunami devastated struck the northern coast.

Enid Isabel Van Zyl

Perhaps the best news to wake up to Mamat Ragnar, Head if Ujung Kulon NP is sure no Javan #rhino fell victim to the #Tsunami. The Tsuname hit the northern part of the park and the rhinos are mainly…


“We understand that We are the Javan rhinos not only in Ujung Kulon may let live,’ says Widodo Sukohadi Ramono, chairman of the neushoornstichting in Indonesia against the BBC. It means according to him that earlier plans for the group of rhinos to be split, and so the risk of it at one time away from the group to reduce again quickly should be looked at. the

But the move from a (small) group of Javan rhinos requires a lot of preparation. The rhinos should, according to the chairman, in good condition, the well with each other and are able to breed. There should also be at the new location more than 200 plant species, are a that if food, can serve, enough water, the right soil and the right (humid) climate.