1. Eyewitness at Lidingö: ”I saw a big submarine”

In the summer there was a craft that was perceived as a submarine deep in the Stockholm archipelago. It was discovered in the water at the island of Lidingö in the middle of a sailing camps with the children in small optimistjollar. The craft was seen at close range by three seglingsinstruktörer that DN interviewed.

2. Tim ”Avicii” Bergling’s death was 28-year-old

In april died one of the world’s most successful musicians 28 years old. Tim ”Avicii” Bergling was praised and was mourned all over the world.

3. Sara Danius resigns as permanent secretary

On april 12, departing Sara Danius, as the permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy.
– I would very much have liked to continue, but there are other things to do here in life, ” says Sara Danius.

4. So dangerous are your liabilities – DN explains

The rise in housing prices has made the owners richer. But the risk is that the balloon bursts. This explains the DN’s Dan Lucas how dangerous your debts are.

5. Hatred of women and tips on the sex trade was spread from the SD peak account

for over a decade, have women degrading post has been posted on the web forum Flashback by the user ”SinX”. Among the postings, there are tips on how to buy sex abroad and how you can drugging or mistreating women and then rape them. DN can in december to tell you that the man who started the account is the sverigedemokratiske mp Jonas Millard, ordinary member of the committee on the constitution.

On 19 december depart Jonas Millard from his post as member of parliament after the DN’s disclosure.

6. The secret on the sea of Åland – after 34 years, they tell you what they saw

the Two 19-year-olds disappeared in a rowing boat on the sea of Åland a novemberdag 1984. Two days later, were rescued by the soviet cargo ship Dagestan. 34 have passed since then. Hear Helena af Klercker and Lou Atkins to tell us what they saw where novembernatten.

7. So made a poll

During the election year 2018, the response was amazing the headlines about the polls that go up and down – and it is not always easy to understand how they work. The DN examines whether the polls are up to the task.

8. This is filmed stambefolkningen on the isolated island

On 17 november killed the 27-year-old american John Allen Chau of a tribal people when he landed on the island of North Sentinel. Community live in total privacy and the residents are defending their territory with arrows and bow. the
In the beginning of the 1990s was the last time someone peacefully approached stambefolkningen on the isolated island. See the images when filmed from the researchers ‘ boat.

9. The facts of the issue: Are the foreign born are over-represented in crime statistics?

children born Abroad are over-represented in the kriminalstatistiken, in particular as regards serious crime. It is, however, very small proportions of both foreign and local that occur in violent crime.

During the election year has the DN:s Kristoffer Örstadius examined important questions about the development of society in the Facts of the matter.

10. Annie Lööf roars against Jimmie Åkesson

IN the SVT’s last partiledardebatt reacts the Centre party leader Annie Lööf heavily on a statement by the sweden democrats ‘ Jimmie Åkesson.

In the debate accused Jimmie Åkesson in order to roughly have generalized what it is that makes that immigrants often have a hard time getting a job. Something that got Centerledaren to cancel Åkesson with a ”How you express yourself!?”