Since the elections of 2015, the fractions of SVP and FDP in the national Council, together, a slim majority of 101 votes. These majorities have an impact on the coalitions that form, in voting, in property templates.

Increasingly, the right-wing camp from the SVP and the FDP to the centre-left Alliance of the CVP, SP and Greens in the legislature. According to the Internet-based analysis tool for the smart monitor is formed in about 10 percent of the votes in the national Council as a successful conservative two Alliance. However, the centre-left camp was in 6 percent of the vote successfully, such as the smart monitor shows.

what is Striking is that the end of the legislature FDP and SVP are closing more and more frequently. In the winter session, which was two weeks ago, faced up to almost 30 per cent of the voting rights and the centre-left camp.

a Typical example for this constellation is the advice of the CO2 act, in the case of the frequently FDP and SVP were. However, it was only stage wins. In the overall vote, to the CO2-law the FDP as a loser then stood there, an unholy Alliance of the SVP, the SP and the Green party rejected the law.

Overall, is a such success of the Polparteien, however, very rare. In just 1 percent of the votes in a winning coalition from Left and Right against the civic center was formed in this legislature. Only in 2 percent of the votes, it came to the success of the social-liberal camp of the FDP, SP and Green against the conservative of SVP and CVP.

“All against SVP”

Overall, dominated in this legislature in the national Council the most common, although still the classic bourgeois coalition of the SVP, FDP and CVP. In the national Council 2018 prevailed to decide by December 2015 up to and including December of this broad civil majority in one-third of all the votes.

The second most in a quarter of all the votes, it came to the constellation of “All against SVP”. Third, the above-mentioned bourgeois success of the Alliance.

The polarisation of the national Council, that the middle (FDP, CVP) alone no Chance. You won in this legislature a mere 0.2 percent of all the votes. It is different in the Council of States, where the FDP and CVP have still a majority – as well as SP and CVP, and SP and the FDP. The Council of States decides, however, much less party political than the national Council. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 29.12.2018, 12:07 PM