In the taxi 4×27 the extent been penalized by the customers for the massive price increases at christmas.

There should namely be hosted up with such large amounts, that many danes are not at all afford to take a taxi home from the christmas party were in the metropolitan area. The defaulting customers now get the company to go to confession. They admit that prices have been too high.

Why do you get now 50% discount new year’s eve and the first new year’s day, report 4×27.

taxi companies across the country have according to the new taxalov been given the opportunity to raise prices substantially in the days 24. 26. december as well as 31. december and 1. January.

And it has chosen to exploit to the full in the company 4×27. In the holiday season was startgebyret increased from three dollars to the maximum allowable amount of 135 dollars. Kilometertaksten increased from 12 crowns between 6 to 18 in the weekdays to 25.50 euros. The per-minute is also set up.

however, It has been too high, acknowledges executive director, Thomas Petersen, to Ekstra Bladet.

– Yes, our prices have been too high. It acknowledges I would like to. Therefore, we have had many coaches, who have kept quiet over the holiday season, and so we have decided to give discount in nytårsdagene, because we can’t reach to change the tariffs.

He explains the gigantic increases that cabbies are the pressure on the wallet.

– There are more cars (taxis, red.) on the roads in the capital, and therefore, they earn not so many money, because they naturally have fewer trips, says Thomas Petersen.

– But you can understand that customers choose you from, when you raise prices to the maximum?

– We do not know yet, where prices should be before they fit to the market, but why should one put a gebyrsgrænse, if we are not allowed to exploit it, is the answer rhetorical from the director.

– But, surely, it can be difficult to see, in which the discount is, when you raise prices so significantly and so gives the ‘discount’ afterwards. So I guess just talk about that In change the prices back to ‘normal’?

– It is difficult to determine where the prices will be exactly located, but it is usually more expensive to run in the taxi on the here days, and like everyone else, our drivers also have more in wages. When we give 50 percent discount, it is cheap compared to what it otherwise would cost to take a taxi to the new year.

Thomas Petersen stresses that the discount only applies to customers who prajer a wagon in Copenhagen.

Mefail Ramadani from 4×27. Photo: Kenneth Meyer
Drivers raging over prices
4×27-the director defends the company’s price increases, drivers will need to have a proper salary, but Ekstra Bladet has spoken with several drivers from just 4×27, which have not been satisfied with the prices they had to charge in the holiday season.

Crazy prices, which is introduced in the holiday season, the 31. december and 1. January get customers to boycott the taxis and take the bus.

that was the gist of the criticism, among others from the taxi driver Mefail Ramadani from 4×27.

– The new tariffs are crap, for people to opt out of us and take the public transport instead. They are simply startled, when they see how high the prices are, said the 49-year-old driver.

He has therefore failed to run as many trips as normal, for the high prices creates a bad atmosphere among the customers.

– I have not had the desire to run so much because of the prices, for it creates bad mood and scares away customers. So I keeps me a bit away and running only a few trips. We can’t do anything now, but after the new year, we will fight to get it on.

Syed Ghlem. Photo: Kenneth Meyer
– Only christmas once a year
His colleague Syed Ghlem 58 agrees with his colleague .

On a full working day, the first day of christmas, he had the opposite the past year only two clients, and one of them was a young woman who had forgotten her passport when she was travelling.

She therefore had to fork out 1300 dollars to be driven home and back to the airport, which Syed Ghlem describes as being ‘completely insane’.

– There is a very big difference in how many customers we had before the holidays and now. Yesterday I had only two customers on a whole day, so I had to sit in the car and wait for many hours. I do not think that the prices in the christmas is okay, for it’s only christmas once a year, he says.

Executive director, 4×27, Thomas Petersen, is aware that several of his drivers have been unhappy over the massive price rises.

– It is true that a great many have been dissatisfied, and therefore we have chosen to solve it this way, where we give 50 percent discount on all tours.

He hopes that the rebate system can help to improve the mood of the disgruntled drivers.

– the Time must show, what happens. Now there may also happen the opposite, so some think that it is too cheap. We need to find out what a real price for new year’s eve is, says Thomas Petersen and continues:

– All of which are on new ground here. We don’t know yet where the prices should be, but with this action we are making an attempt to find out.