burglar bad luck

These two burglars are really more stupid than the police allows. As is clear from the indictment of the Prosecutor’s office, they tried to within one and a half hours is equal to three times, unsuccessfully, in three different apartments in the district 2 to break in before it worked on the fourth attempt, finally. But whether his prey, watches, jewelry and dress pieces to the value of about 2000 francs, was the Duo’s delight long before it was able to leave the house, it was by the now alerted police arrest.

Freed from predicament

Not the most stupid calls, but the most embarrassing were those telephone conversations, which had to make two men with the police. They were handcuffed and could not break free. As an English alerted the man to speak to the city police in Zürich-Riesbach, because he was wearing handcuffs after a visit to a sex Club in Wiedikon. “We need tools to open them,” reported the patrol to the Central office. Also in the case of the man in Hinwil in the Canton police had to move out “due to a delicate problem” in an apartment. He had chained himself with handcuffs and could not open them.

ticket way, hardly it was there

Hardly the driving test is passed, this man was going on his ticket. The city police had on 7. June to 0.40 at disengaging, because a 1.3 per Mille drunk motorists in Wiedikon had knocked down a island protection posts. When the police controlled the guard his ID, they were amazed: He was on 6. June 2018 has been issued. The man was probably in the mood after passing the exam to celebrate.

accident built petrol

forget in Winterthur a car driver who had rammed a protection of the Islands the post didn’t come far. The 22-Year-old continued, continued but a short time later on the roadside. Not because he had a guilty Conscience, but because the petrol was assumed. In addition to the succulent buses he has to pay for the damage.

wrong camel

A patrol of the city police with blue light and Horn on the road, after the police had been alerted that the VBZ tram stop Aubrugg in Schwamendingen an injured camel. On the spot, they found not a camel, a camel Statue. “Nothing of the matter,” reported the officer in the operations center in a dry place in the Journal.


Due to an animal misunderstanding, the city police had to move out in the summer in the circle of 5. A woman had called because she had discovered in her geranium pots a snake. The reptile turned out to be, on closer Inspection, but as a snail.

to uninformed strangers

Because two of the boys from school Horgen is a municipality in the district of not to go home had come, a concerned father, the Zurich cantonal police. A patrol the two seven-year-old, two villages away. The boys refused to get in the police car. You should not ride with strangers, told them the mother again and again. As the two were finally home, unfortunately, is not noted in the Police report.

No black driver

Also in Küsnacht had alerted a concerned mother, the cantonal police, as her two teenage sons were not returned after a visit with Acquaintances in männedorf by train. After three hours, the mother was able to report the false alarm. The boy had lost the money for the train and the whole range of foot were, after all, less than 15 kilometers: they did not want to go black.

a criminal complaint against the son of

Less mother love showed a woman whose car was stolen in the city of Zurich””. Since your car was fitted with a GPS Traker, could him investigate the police quickly, and the all-clear. Her 16-year-old son had stolen the car keys and him and a colleague. With two other friends they went with the SUV-the car was a night-time joyride. The mother didn’t understand, but as Fun. She wrote against the son, and the Handlebar to a criminal complaint.

Tired burglar

A classic among the stupidest crimes of the sleep is at the end of burglar. Also this year, the police found a man asleep behind the counter. The 34-Year-old had abrasions and lacerations on the hands and head, which came from breaking the glass. He left without resistance to arrest. The reason for his sudden fatigue there is no information.

Rowdy dress dealer

A woman in Wollishofen had ordered dresses, but not paid. That was obviously a rabid dress dealer, then I found out the roommate of the woman. There was a knock on the door, and a strange man wanted to to inlet, to the dresses to pick up again. The roommate denied the admission, he came back after 15 minutes – this time with a companion and a crowbar. The roommate fled, the two men ransacked the apartment and made off with the clothes. You were not far, the city police of Zurich could not stop the delivery truck and the two shirt arrest-sleeved collectors.”

computer addicts

Two men in a car in Wädenswil suspicion triggered in March. Local residents informed the cantonal police that for two hours two men sitting in a parked car. The worried caller suspected a potential burglar. However, the mystery was resolved, when the police officers asked the men the reason of your stay. They had been thrown out by their wives out of the apartment, because she would sit the whole time in front of the Computer, the two said.

“Erbrecher” in the Taxi

A passenger who had had too much, was in a Taxi badly, and he had to pass. But instead of cleaning costs, he fled on foot. Neither the taxi driver nor the informed police patrol was able to find him. On the run he lost his cell phone. The man should check with the police after the phone, you will need to shell out the expense of the “Erbrecher” first the cleaning.

cheat sheet lost

“love is blind” is an old saying – in the case of a graduate of a Swiss Federal vocational testing and a member of the audit Commission, it is gaining in importance. The 36-year-old man had to let the 29-year-old woman in the run-up to the exam, the exam sheet with questions and answers. Stupid, however, was that the woman had lost the cheat sheet on the school premises or thrown away. A member of the audit supervision, found the note and reported it to the school Board, which turned the cantonal police. This could identify the woman quickly. Whether the secret love survived the faux pas of the woman, is not known.

rod kisser expelled

“Funny man signal rod strokes,” reported a caller to the city police, and said that in Zurich-Oerlikon, an Unknown, a signal rod fondle. A patrol of the city police found a man with reddened eyes, obviously had something to drink. As neither debt nor equity risk was present, was expelled from the rod kisser.

With shield of walk

A patrol discovered the Toni-Areal in a circle 5 a man of the road was the sign of Dutt because of on-the-go. He had found this on the pavement, and wool, take it home, he explained to the baffled policeman. This took from him the shield, however; if the man must reckon with a criminal complaint, unfortunately, is not known.


Created: 28.12.2018, 21:38 PM