“No warning when the tsunami raises questions”

“No varningssirener was heard on the beaches in Indonesia prior to the tsunami, where over 400 people lost their lives.”

“the Disaster is seen as a wake-up call for research on how jättevågorna occurs.”

“most tsunamis are triggered by earthquakes, but the one in Indonesia a week ago was special. Waves up to five metres high that crashed over the coast on the indonesian islands of Java and Sumatra was formed after the bulk of a volcano collapsed into the sea in case of an outbreak.”

” What happened in Indonesia has shown to the world how many different ways there are for a tsunami to be drawn in again. More research is needed to understand these unexpected events, ” says Stephen Hicks, a seismologist at the university of Southampton, Uk.”

“the Head of a japanese research institute on disasters, Fumihiko Imamura, says he does not believe that the japanese early warning would have perceived a similar tsunami.”

“– there are some risks in Japan, because we have 111 active volcanoes, and poor capacity to monitor the volcanic eruptions that can lead to a tsunami, ” he says.”

“Scientists have long flagged to the volcano Anak Krakatoa, which was the one that collapsed and caused the waves, is a problem. In a british study from 2012 called the volcano as a tsunamirisk.”

“the Authorities in Indonesia say, however, that varningssirenerna not pulled in again because the system is not working at all. The buoys in the sea with the associated sensors have been out of operation for a long time, according to the katastrofmyndighetens spokesperson.”

“Even if the system worked properly, it had perhaps been difficult to avoid a disaster in this case.”

“– this scenario was the worst possible for the chance to get to a warning: no explicit earthquake, shallow water, uneven seabed and near the coast, ” says seismologist Stephen Hicks.”

“the president of Indonesia Joko Widodo has said that the focus must be on how the population should be able to prepare.”

” given how big a risk it is for disasters in this country, so must katastrofförberedelser become a part of the curriculum, he said after the tsunami.”

“It welcomes the teacher the Framework Tualfredi, who passed away jättevågorna who struck out against his village in west Java.”

“” I have never received any training on safety. The system has completely failed, ” he says.”

“Over 60 per cent of the population in Indonesia is at risk of an earthquake, and 1.6 per cent live in areas where it can be tsunamis, according to the authorities.”

“Indonesia is hit regularly by both volcanic eruptions and earthquakes because of its location at the Eldringen, an area with high seismic activity.”

“in 2004, an earthquake in Aceh the big tsunami that killed more than 226 000 people.”

“Just this year, two earthquakes claimed over 2 500 lives. In a strong earthquake and subsequent tsunamis on the island of Sulawesi in september killed over 2 000 people. In August suffered the island of Lombok by an earthquake in which 500 people died.”