You’ve got the damage on of your car. It is insured and is inserted at the workshop. It needs to be replaced a screen and a hovedlykt. Forsikringsselskapets new guidelines say that only a single operation per. visits covered by the company. You can get the replaced the screen today, but to get forsikringspenger for the new light, you must deliver the car in another day.
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This sounds unreasonable, and would not be accepted either by the workshop or the car.
Verkstedfolkene in metaphor is kjeveortopedene. Children with braces need to enter the “workshop” every few weeks to adjust and repair reguleringsapparatene.
A common behandlingsseanse can consist in that it can be pasted one or more blocks of the teeth and that reguleringstråden to be replaced.
Mona had not sanded the teeth on the 40 years: – Hurt that the support disappears
the ministry of Health suggest now that if there is pasted a block, you must even pay for the thread because valuation that provides support to more than a single operation will be omitted in the case of the new year. Support from the health insurance plan you can get if the child comes again another day.
Job – and skolefravær and increased travel expenses will lead to that families with children miss trygderefusjonen and pay for the extra operation from his own pocket.
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the academic community has proposed a number of measures that will save the health insurance plan for expenses, and not result in increased deductibles and unnecessary dental for families with children.
It is to be hoped that the politicians will listen to these suggestions and thereby help to save a well-functioning system that, by reasonable adjustments will be able to save both the State and the parents for unnecessary expenses.