“Well, we men can also be victims,”

“Debater: I was a victim of abuse – but were not believed.”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. When elitidrottaren Patrik Sjöberg in his memoirs, from 2011, told about the sexual abuse he was subjected to by his coach and stepfather Viljo Nousiainen, beat it down like a bomb in Sweden. The response was huge in terms of support, testimonials but also the opposition. “

“the Support from the idrottskollegor who also told us about the abuse of Nousiainen, anonymous testimony from other male victims – and so also the opposition from, for example, Friidrottförbundets president Lennart Karlberg. “

“Sjöberg had with his story, started a Metoo in miniature within the friidrottsrörelsen. “

“today it has gone more than seven years ago the news headlines topped the newspapers. Another Metoo-movement has taken the world and Sweden by storm. A where mainly women finally dare to ask their abusers in the corner. A where all of from tafsare to våldstäktsmän may be held accountable for their actions. “

“Or like Frida Boisen put it in Expressen”

“there never was any hashtagg after Sjöberg’s testimony. No public outcry, no rallies, or any change in the law. Viljo Nousiainen was dead, and with him also the problem. And we men continued to be silent.”

“at the age of seven, I was exposed to sexual abuse of the patronage of a family friend. An assault that would extend over a period of seven years until we finally moved away from there. During all these years I was quiet, but I have never been alone in days, many men still silent. “

“It was not until high school that I took the courage to me to put into words what I was thinking when I called a hotline for victims of sexual abuse. A female psychologist said, and after a polite greeting, flowed the words just from me: ”I’m sixteen and I think I was sexually abused as a child”.”

” Her answer came as a punch in the stomach. ”Do you feel a craving for children?”. The idea went like a cold corps along the spine. I felt disgusting and devalued. The mod I established was blown away. ”Nah,” I replied nonplussed. ”Are you sure?”. “

“It would take five years before I told again. Do not, under any hashtagg, not in any collectivist kampeufori and not with the knowledge that all would believe me. “

“That was my concern not to be disbelieved, it was to be seen as a potential abuser. As a potential rapist. As a potential pedophile. “

“One concern that caused me to think once or twice before, I cuddled with my nephew and niece, smile to a cute kid or even approaching a woman to ask for directions. “

“We men continue portrayed as the source of the world’s evils. We homogenized, we are demonized and we avhumaniseras. It is no deny that men dominate förövarstatistiken. “

“What, however, seems to forget is that we can also be the victims despite the fact that 17 per cent of men between 18 and 29 years old have been victims of sexual abuse, according to RFSU. “

“Metoo has been a movement that has broken tystnadsnormer and scored both men and women to examine themselves. Good so. But when the anger not only motivates but also guides it will be easy wrong. Words such as ”All men are potential rapists”, ”Time for kuklås”, ”Imagine a world without men” or ”Manshat is a natural response to hatred of women”, is ironic and hypocritical in a society where pronouns and epithets have such an offensive force that they are compared with the violence. “

“Words are so important when it comes to certain minorities and vulnerable groups, becomes so hard and merciless when it comes to men. But it is something we can and should take. Certainly there are evil men but is it not time to recognise that we in this generalismens trench warfare puts bullets in both opponents and potential allies? “

“I la at that time eighteen years ago. Skamset I went back to my silence rather than tell and report it to the police. Instead of putting the stop there and then. Not anymore.”

“nDaniel’s Ogalde, debater, lecturer, and writer”

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