Christmas time many of us visit a friend, familiar and relatives. If the second decoration or any furniture not comfortable with your own eyes, does it say?

That night I won’t forget. I was moved on my own my childhood home and invited a big group of people to the village. Came with a few friend of a friend, which I didn’t know very well. One of the guests to measure hotel yksiötäni watch and blurted out then the whole lot include:

–Well, huh, when there is a lot of colors – I’ll never be able to live here. Looks like a grand bazaar.

I Was taken aback, because my home was filled with my favorite things and I love its interior. Then some instinct made me defensive.

–Well, I don’t want to, that my home looks like a dentist’s office, I said, because I know that that person prefer white color and minimalist style home.

So many years later, the situation come back still in your mind. I felt bad, because criticism is the first home my point, I feel like I too would be criticized. Bright red color, flashy turquoise and oriental patterns – everything that I love and that I had been collecting up to high school age. On the other hand, annoyed that I go in fact, according to a strict game, where another home can say what he wants.

Recently, a friend told me that his guest had commented to her house, a small-looking. I know seemed felt to sleep. So, I’m not the only one, as perhaps the home is for many of us a sort of identity extension. It will tell you what we like and what kind of environment we like and it can be full of memories over the years. That’s why home-related criticism can hurt. Recall there’s an old saying, too, how their own home is sweet.

How would you feel if a stranger criticizes critical of your home? Evening magazine reporter Annabella Kiviniemi consider whether the second home reviews. Juuso Viitanen

if the second home so reviews? If someone calls the first time to the village, should his home to only praise or can it criticize? Or would it be better to be quiet, if good to say not?

Social media many people share their home pictures and interior design blogging is very popular, which makes more and more of the homes of public criticism. Maybe it obscures the understanding of when, how and for whom homes cannot comment. We have also become accustomed to that many public places from restaurants to tourist destinations are under constant review and classification of the subject on the internet. Maybe it was an illusion, that all places can comment freely.

the Homes are, however, a private place and having a housewarming party the joy of the celebration. Home is a place where people can be alone – or at least he should get to be. The harsh comments so leave unsaid, unless the resident actually want constructive criticism and help of the interior design puzzle, or showcase your home on social media open for comments. On the other hand, hardly somessakaan we hope that the other call would be newly renovated living room image, when it proudly there we present. Left so alone as to the bazaar like a dentist’s office!