“The market does not solve the housing crisis, the Loof”

“the Debaters: Listen to those who are affected by bostadsojämlikheten and construction cheaper.”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. According to the Building we would need to build 66 000 homes per year until 2025. Today are built far fewer, and now will alarm if the housing is reduced greatly. The lack of apartments is not enough, however, which is why many lack a secure home. “

“today, high rents and demands on a fixed income, that large groups do not have a chance to get a tenancy agreement. One reason is that many have precarious, temporary contracts. It is becoming increasingly more common to have an hourly or part-time employment despite the fact that, in fact, working full-time. It makes it impossible to meet the requirements on a fixed income. “

“A condominium is not an option, an average LO-salary is not enough to buy a home in the metropolitan areas. Crowded living conditions increase, as is homelessness.”

“at the same time increasing the Swedish höginkomsttagares living space. Those who can afford to buy a home benefit from the property tax has been abolished, and by the generous interest rate, rut and rot tax deduction. “

“some have the opportunity to pick and choose among attractive homes, while others must seek a new home each and every month, a room or a bed in a second-or third-hand. Sweden has thus not only the shortage of housing – we are a country with increasing bostadsojämlikhet. “

“As a result of the increased bostadsojämlikheten we see today the emergence of a bostadsprekariat, which consists of a heterogeneous group of people who for various reasons have low income (and low creditworthiness) in order to be able to ”request” a home in today’s housing market. They are outside the regular housing market and can be found in the andrahandsuthyrningar, illegal housing or with friends who set up with a sofa to sleep on. “

“Bostadsprekariatet consists of young people who can not move from home, of the newly arrived refugees, but also of the separated lone parents, people between jobs, people on low incomes and elderly people with low pension. “

“They have temporary contracts, without security of tenure, they live crowded, and bad. People testify of apartments with mold and bedbugs. In some apartments it is so cold in the winter that you have to sleep with a beanie and thick socks. “

“Many are being forced to pay much higher rent than those who have managed to enter the regular housing market. The who does not have a home of their own difficult to maintain a job or pursue studies, as the hunt for a home taking all the time in the claim. “

“You are forced to be on stand-by all the time, constantly ready to pack up everything and move. There is a great risk to be cheated or exploited. Several testify about sexual harassment. “

“Some of those who suffer bostadsojämlikheten speaks in the new book ”Bostadsojämlikhet. The votes on the bostadsnöden”, which is published in cooperation with the think tank Arena idea. The book contains a unique interview with approximately fifty people in Malmö. “

“Among those interviewed, there are few that have turned to the social services. They have given up on getting help and try instead to solve their problems on their own. Thus is not seen in any hemlöshetsstatistik. A man says: ”We have no contract. The landlord will every Monday and takes the money. So it can happen that he may at any time ask us to move out”. “

“today offers no municipality anything other than ad-hoc solutions to this group. Both with the new baby tells us: ”I was asked if I could imagine to stay in a hotel for two months (…). Instead, I moved to a friend and forward it to another friend and on. Then I found an apartment of 16 square meters. With hall, toilet and all. Put the mattress on the floor so had covered everything. Social services agreed to this for three children and a mother.””

“A young person describes it as that they must ”choose between to stay or to have a life”. In the city of Malmö, there are jobs, but it is not possible to find a home. In the home, there are homes but no jobs. It is high time that the visibility of this group. “

“In government meetings it became obvious to the parties as the Centre party believe that the market can solve the housing crisis. But the more ”free rents” are not the solution. Higher rents would exclude even more from the regular housing market, and the tenants may not, on its own can fund a comprehensive enough housing – even if the rents would be increased greatly. “

“A dwelling is no-one to be among others, but a right enshrined in the constitution. When the prospective tenant can not pay for the housing that is offered does not work marknadsekvationen supply and demand. “

“Listen to those who are affected by bostadsojämlikheten and build housing that people can afford to stay in. “

“nCarina Listerborn, professor of urban design and planning, Department of urban studies, Malmö university. The author of the book ”Bostadsojämlikhet. The votes on the bostadsnöden” (Premiss förlag). The book is published in cooperation with the Arena Idea in december 2018. nLisa Pelling, scientist, and investigator at the think tank Arena Idea.”

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