The CSU calls for the establishment of a “new state-owned infrastructure company”, which is to close the holes in the mobile network. In other areas, such as the development of artificial intelligence, the party relies on a stronger Intervention of the state. The decision template for the winter exam of the CSU Bundestag deputies. the By Robert rossmann, Berlin Robert rossmann

Robert rossmann is a graduate of the German school of journalism. He studied Economics, communications and political science. At the age of 27, he became editor of the süddeutsche Zeitung. Previously, he had worked at the Bayerischer Rundfunk. In 1997, rossmann was the Deputy news chief of the SZ, in the year 2000, he took over the management of the Bayern part. At the end of 2004, he became parliamentary correspondent in Berlin. In 2007, he went to work as a Newsdesk-head back to Munich. Since 1. In January 2012, he is Deputy head of the Parliamentary office in Berlin.

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The CSU no longer believes that the company will create a comprehensive mobile supply in Germany. Therefore, you now require a direct Intervention of the state.

In a decision template for the written exam of the CSU parliamentary deputies present in the SZ, it means the citizens do not have to be “across Germany on a reliable mobile radio”, the radio holes are fit to one of the strongest economic Nations in the world. Therefore, the CSU wool start “a powerful expansion offensive”, with “a new, national infrastructure company”. Anywhere “where the economic Expansion does not work or private mobile operators are not able to see a working supply”, should in future be by the new state society, mobile phone masts erected. “The mobile operators are busy with a connection, obligation, and pay fees to refinance the state’s investment,” – said in the draft.

The CSU Bundestag deputies will meet from 3. to 5. January to their traditional winter retreat. Since 2017, you will no longer be held in Wildbad Kreuth, but in the monastery of Seeon. The CSU members of the German Digital-Minister of state Dorothee Bär, as well as the Federal Minister for transport and digital infrastructure, Andreas Scheuer. The host of the retreat, Scheuers predecessor in the Ministry, today, the CSU land group chief Alexander Dobrindt. It is safe to say that the deputies will decide the draft. It would be then in front of all of Scheuer, bear, and Dobrindt, to strive for an implementation.

The CSU members, but not only in the mobile phone supply no longer trust the market to solve the problems alone, they also require a stronger Intervention of the state in the development of artificial intelligence (AI). “In the area of self-learning systems we experience today, ground-breaking innovations – and at the same time, a tough international competition”, – stated in the CSU design. Germany and Europe would have to be in this competition but at the top. Therefore, the CSU calls for “a German-French research center for artificial intelligence”, by no later than 2020 its work. The research centre should be funded “through state resources”. “This facility will form the nucleus for a new project of AI-City Europe”, – stated in the draft. The CSU see Airbus as a model. In the new project, all of the “relevant actors from science, education, economy and society” should be brought to international standards.

In addition, the CSU requires a program “Talents for Germany”, the German scientists, founders and investors in the Federal Republic of lured. In Germany there are “bright minds and talents who left our country but too often, as countries such as the USA offer better research conditions, career and development prospects”, – stated in the draft. The wool and change the CSU, in particular, in digital key technologies such as artificial intelligence or robotics.

As guests are expected at the Seeoner exam except Horst Seehofer, Markus Söder, among others, the new CDU-Chairman, Annegret Kramp-karrenbauer, the Irish Prime Leo Varadkar, the Greek opposition leader, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, as well as the inspector General of the Bundeswehr, Eberhard Zorn,. Kramp-Karrenbauer want your visit to Seeon – it is not only a flying visit, but for two days – also the better made ratio of the sister parties to the document.