the Time has come to introduce border controls with Sweden.

It takes the Danish people’s party aliens and spokeswoman on integration, Martin Henriksen.

the Reason is that Sweden on Saturday, releasing four potentially dangerous terrordømte from the planned terrorist action against among others, the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten JPI/Politikens Hus in 2010.

– There is a reason to take it very seriously, that a number of terrordømte released from Swedish prisons. The release is yet another argument for introducing border controls against Sweden, and it is this which we recommend the government to do, says Danish people’s party, the aliens and værdiordfører Martin Henriksen.

– We urge you to urgently send police officers and soldiers from the home Guard and the Defence to the Danish-Swedish border. It is clearly in the american interest to protect the border, especially in these terrortider, says Martin Henriksen.

Martin Henriksen. Photo: Per Rasmussen

as the Release happens on the eighth anniversary of the planned massacre, where the plan was to kill as many as possible. It happens, even if the Swedish probation estimates that the four convicted can still be dangerous.

the Terrorists were in June 2012 each sentenced to 12 years in prison by a Court in Glostrup for attempted terrorism. But when all is resident in Sweden, they were in the 2012 and 2013 transferred to continue to serve sentences in Swedish prisons.

As in Denmark prøveløslades prisoners in Sweden, when they have served two thirds of the sentence.

that is Why the four terrorists on parole in the morning on Saturday, according to papers from the Swedish Kriminalvård, which Ekstra Bladet has had access to.

From the Danish people’s Party finds Martin Henriksen, the release of serious concern.

– from what I can read me to, so there is no doubt that these people are violent and terrorparate, hardcore islamists, as can easily find to plan new acts of terrorism. Today they can freely travel to Denmark without being stopped and checked at the border, and it is, of course, unsustainable. Most reasonable people understand, so now all we need is the government and the other folketingspartier, says Martin Henriksen

In the course of the last eight years of serving in the more closed in Swedish prisons like Kumla and Tidaholm has the four terrordømte been repeatedly excluded from being together with other prisoners on the grounds of threatening and violent behaviour towards staff and other inmates.

– We have continuously called on the government to introduce border controls, and we have fortunately got the border against Germany. But we still need to secure the border against Sweden, so we are taking up again, and you have to say, that it is natural to raise the issue in connection with the release of the so-called holy warriors, says Martin Henriksen.

– Controls against Germany has not been shown to be especially effective. Why it should work against Sweden’s borders?

– Controls against Germany has proven to be effective. The number of asylum seekers has fallen, and since the control on the Danish-German border was introduced in January 2016, is over 5500 foreigners rejected at the border, while there is raised almost 300 charges of human trafficking. In the background, will I allow myself to think that border controls are a success.

Extra Magazine trying to get a comment from the minister of justice, mr Søren Pape Poulsen (K).