the Christmas tree might do very well, also when the christmas tree ornament is pulled down after christmas. Take advantage of both the branches and strain of the outside as well as inside. Here are some ideas for how you can reuse juketræet.

From January to april the temperature can reach up to +20 degrees on the south side when the sun is shining. And face the sun straight down on your rose bushes, rises the plant evaporation. Is the earth at the same time frozen solid in the root zone, can rosenplanterne not replace the evaporated water with new, and they dry out and die.

in Order to protect the roses against the winter sun, you can cut the branches of your christmas tree and poke them down into the ground in front of the rosenplanterne, as shadow.

also, Remember that podningsstedet on rosenplanterne should preferably be covered by 5-10 cm of soil or compost. If podningsstedet dries out, dies the whole plant.

spruce branches is, however, not particularly effective as a protection against frost e.g. in connection with a tender perennials. Here it is better to cover stauderne with a thick layer of leaves, with a thin layer of soil over to prevent the leaves from flying away.

How to make a solid tree stand

the Fir tree is good firewood, despite myths to the contrary. Saw the trunk into suitable pieces and let the wood dry at least a season and preferably over the early spring months, when the wood dries most here.

Save grangrenene for the summer and use them as klatregrene for your peas in the vegetable garden. Here you can also use branches from vinterbeskæringen of your deciduous shrubs.

With a flishakker you can make shavings of your christmas tree. Juletræsflis is well as top dressing in surbundsbede with, for example rhododendron. Granflis a long time to degrade and thus have a longer impact than a top dressing with a ship.
You can choose to extend christmas tree life, by planting it in the garden or in a pot. Picture
also Read: 10 tips on outdoor christmas lights and light strings

In some municipalities, you can in January put the christmas tree out with your refuse collection, where it will be picked up and made into compost. Check your municipality’s website for info. Of course you can even hand over to the christmas tree genbrugspladsen.

You can use a tree from your garden to the christmas tree again and again, if you take the right precautions in relation to rodstikke the tree, dig up and plant out again after christmas.

Use the fir tree from the garden as a christmas tree – year after year

It is only your imagination that limits how you can reuse the christmas tree after christmas, and there are also many who will help your fantasy on the way. Keep an eye on the institutions, farmers, wildlife parks and the like, that can use your christmas tree as a toy, or feed for animals.

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Bolius – the Homeowners ‘ knowledge Centre is owned by Realdania.

Bolius is an independent non-profit organisation, which aims to convey the knowledge to the homeowners. Bolius does not sell products or services.