Norwegians are good at cooperation. In the workplace, in voluntary work, volunteering provides, between political parties and between the parties in the labour market. Cooperation is part of what makes our community so well and so stable as it is.

I think it is worth to highlight, because the conflict will get much greater attention than consensus in the public debate. Those who shout the loudest and represents the extremes to often get the most attention in both social media and traditional media.

Fortunately, it is not the amount of noise on social media is necessarily a good indicator of what the population really thinks. The reality looks often different. Out from the noise, one could believe people were becoming more innvandringsfiendtlige. But it is a short time ago there came STATISTICS-numbers that show the opposite. About kommentarfeltene represented the meaning of the wide layers of the population, one would have thought the EEA-agreement was under strong popular pressure. The figures show that the acceptance of the EEA-agreement has increased. Something I also think about that Brexit has highlighted the importance of the agreement, and the lack of good options.

Now to Erna tighten run the show Leader

It is important that we don’t let us dazzle of konfliktbildet. The wide layers of the population is more concerned with a larger set of questions that affect them in everyday life, for example, a good school, a good health care system and a samferdselstilbud that gets hverdagslogistikken day care, work and leisure activities, to go up.

In areas where it runs good, it is most often the result of long and patient work, for example, when the government together with employees and employers cooperation and agreed new public service pensions and the new IA-agreement. Such cases creates – naturally – not the same noise as konfliktsakene often do.

Compared with the world around us, is a Norwegian political disagreements often less fundamental. Perhaps the most dramatic in 2018 was KrFs debate about which regjeringssamarbeid they should seek. There had been a change of government, it would have happened in the proper forms. It is not the case everywhere, nor in real democracies.

in general, Norwegians have a high level of confidence to the authorities. That, I think, is about that they recognize that even if one disagrees with the policy of a government lead – so want all the politicians to make Norway a better society. So there is a disagreement about what makes our country better and what instruments are the most appropriate to use.

Whatever your political standpoint, so much has happened in Norway in the course of 2018, which you should be able to enjoy.

the Government’s tops and flops Comment

the Unemployment rate is now the lowest since the financial crisis. Sysselsettingsandelen increases. The last year has been 55 000 more jobs. About three of four coming in the private sector. This strengthens both the economic and social sustainability of the welfare state.

It goes the right way with a lot in the Norwegian school. The students are more present than before, they learn more and additional complete high school. Since 2014 has now 27 000 teachers received offer for further education. Lærertettheten is the highest in a decade, and at the same time missing fewer teachers major in the subjects they teach. Søkertallene to the teacher education program is a record high. This enhances the social sustainability of the welfare state.

at the same time, it is still things that I think there is bipartisan agreement that we must do better than today. More immigrants must come in the work, therefore, we must concentrate more on the skills enhancement and language training. More and better early bet so no students are hanging for. A better special education. How to get there, there is a disagreement about – and the debate I hope we have the opportunity to take in 2019.

International came one of the most important events at the end of the year. The climate summit in Katowice came to the common rules for how we can implement the Paris agreement. I would like to thank Ola Elvestuen for the efforts of his promoter. It is an important contribution to the klimamessige sustainability.

2019 will be an exciting year. 1. January 2019 celebrate the EEA 25 years. The EEA agreement is a source of prosperity for a small and open economy like Norway. In the realignment of the Norwegian economy, as we are going through, so we need the EEA. It is clearer than perhaps ever, that private jobs are dependent on stability and good framework conditions not only nationally, but also internationally.

the Tremendous victory won with at times the foul play Comment

Therefore worries me that the EEA agreement is under so much political pressure as it does. Some call for alternatives to the agreement. They should look at what is happening in the Uk. It is totally unacceptable for a government led by me creating uncertainty about Norway’s accession to the EEA.

Next year we will go in negotiations on a new government. It is too early to say whether we succeed, but I’m optimistic. Nevertheless, we have significant challenges. We are going to have to hold back on public spending now, otherwise threatens the economic recovery through increased pressure on the exchange rate, as well as the competition for workers.

It is a frame we must have with us in the negotiations, which also puts limits on the level of ambition. But the experience between the four parties is that we are unable to agree – as we have been about the great reforms, statsbudsjetter and a lot of day-to-day politics. We are often in agreement on the goal. The controversy is all mostly about the instruments.

One of the goals I are sure that we are agreed, is to get more with the hole in the CV-a and disabilities into work. Now that the Norwegian economy is in a oppgangskonjunktur we need to get more standing outside into the workplace. We can’t do that during the previous boom. As the LOs was then the chief economist Stone Reegård said in 2014: “Since the financial crisis of 2008 has throughout the employment growth attributable to the foreign worker.” the

Norwegian companies must also call the Nav, than to Poland. The Norwegian authorities have to work more to qualify people to work.

get more in the workplace will also be the most important thing we can do to fight another major challenge: the Children who grow up in persistent poverty. To help parents in work will lift families out of poverty. In addition, it is worrisome that it is born for the few children in the Uk, and we need to understand why many delay having children and thus have fewer children. Therefore, many aspects of the children and families situation may be important in the years ahead.

much to embark in. But I am glad that it is what we should work towards – many other countries have significantly more challenges. Through the cooperation between the parties, organisations and the parties in the labour market – then I believe we will successfully deal with the challenges of our in a good way. The next year, and in the years ahead.