The Job of Jerome Powell was “100 percent sure”. This is Kevin Hassett, one of the most important economic Advisor, Donald Trump assured, yesterday the “Wall Street Journal”. The US President had no intention to dismiss the head of the Federal Reserve , the American Central Bank , even if it’s between Trump and Powell differences of opinion. Prior to Hassett, already Minister of Finance, Steven Mnuchin and other voices from the White house had stressed that there were no Considerations, the Supreme guardian of the currency of the United States.

Various reports from the media are informed about the processes in Trumps environment is usually good, insisting, however, that the President had been thinking in the last few days, according to a deposition Powells. He would have a legal hand? Legal experts point to a supplementary Statute from the year 1935 the Federal Reserve Act. It means, a Governor of the US Central Bank could be replaced by the President for valid reasons, and the Central Bank chief is according to the law, a member of the Board of governors.

What are valid reasons?

However, this Passage refers explicitly to Central Bank governors, with a 14-year tenure. The Fed Chairman is appointed only for four years – with the possibility to be subsequently for a further four-year periods selected. Open the question of whether the judge would apply the clause of valid reasons not only for the “ordinary” governors, but also for the President now.

in detail, the compelling reasons which justify a separation to be carried out in the Statute of 1935. The “Wall Street Journal” had come the Professor of law Peter Conti-Brown of the University of Pennsylvania, according to which this passage has been interpreted in another context with poor performance, inefficiency, neglect of duty or misconduct.

in theory Trump would be open to the possibility of circumventing Powell, the Fed’s Bureau, to leave him in the Board of governors. In the relevant legislative texts, such a demotion of the Central Bank heads is not mentioned. Whether they would affect the policy of the Federal Reserve really is in addition doubtful. Because of the stance of monetary policy is determined within the Fed’s open market Committee (FOMC). Traditionally, the Fed Chairman has held the presidency in the twelve-member panel. Because the FOMC determines its own Chairman annually, could not vote, a majority of the members for Powell, even if he was Fed President.

President Johnson’s rant

That a US President has publicly expressed his displeasure over the Central Bank chief, is not a one-time process. What is new is that Trump supports most of the Twitter service. In the mid-1960s, then-President Lyndon B. Johnson ordered the justice Department to consider a dismissal of Fed chief William McChesney Martin. Reason an increase in interest rates, which manufactures Johnson as unjust and harmful considered.

The Ministry came, however, in the end, disagreements over interest rate policy are not a sufficient reason to dismiss the unpopular guardian of the currency, for good reasons. Johnson called then Martin on his Ranch in Texas, where he is supposed to have a rant coated. So anyway, it is in Martin’s biography, from the “Wall Street Journal” quoted.

it is soon to be a Meeting between Trump and Powell? In fact, similar efforts are under way to hear how of advisers to the President. The appointment was aimed at, apparently, as far as possible in January 2019. The objective should be that the two gentlemen present, both in the private circle of their view of things and so a better understanding of the Position of a person can develop. Larry Kudlow, trump’s top economic adviser, compared the relationship between the President and the Central Bank chief recently with a share of the am investigating. “It can only go upward.”


Created: 28.12.2018, 06:38 PM