Sick long-term unemployed Anna-Maija Tikkanen does not want to see me anymore mps Susanna Touch (ioc) and hope that the power in finland, the change in spring 2019 parliamentary elections.Long-term unemployed Anna-Maija Tikkanen tells us about the new year plans.

, 55, gave last spring in the face of poverty and long-term unemployment performer yle’s A-Studio. Tikkanen conversation partner was the coalition party mps Susanna On . On received comment at the time of the criticism torrent.

Tikkanen received this fall the amount of temporary partial disability pension, which will continue one year at a time. He told me that health is always a let down to go all out. The doctor has ruled him incapacitated, but the Coil according to the criteria are not met.

–Try to get a full disability pension, because I don’t even have ability.

Tikkanen of developing allergies, asthma, type two diabetes as well as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. He has found in the muscles and connective tissues of the pain caused by the fibromyalgia. When moving he had to resort to rollaattoriin. Three kids the youngest is 13 years old and still lives at home.

sick ride took christmas money won’t cover-Maija Tikkanen, 55, got sick with allergies, asthma, type two diabetes as well as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Kela pays him only part-time disability pension. A teen-aged child of a single parent is spending money n. 600 euros per month. Timo Kiiski

Lone Tikkanen income support basic 540,33 per month. Coil cut living at home, the child income support elements of more than 170 euros per month, because of this living turn every other mother and father.

Part-time pension, the family has Tikkanen, according to a more or less the same as before: after tax of about 600 euros per month.

– About the two of us have to pay, inter alia, food, clothing, nets, and a bus ticket. A bus ticket I can’t afford, and I can’t afford to buy the kids a winter coat. Housing benefit can only pay part of the rent. The reel advised to negotiate with the landlord for more time for payment, Tikkanen explains.

fixed-term partial disability pension, the main benefit is that 100 euros per month will definitely be on the account.

income support is always applied monthly, and never can in advance be sure, how to Rewind things to decide.

the coil of the decision to cut daily living of the child income support elements is Tikkanen, according to away from the family dinner table.

– the Child needs exactly the same amount, inter alia, clothing and school supplies than in the past. He has to pay the full water charges and room rent even in those weeks when he is not at home.

christmas under the child living at home got so massive migraine attack, that he had to take a taxi to the doctor in the emergency department.

It took money which was intended to buy christmas food, Tikkanen explains.

, 55, gave last spring in the face of poverty and long-term unemployment performer yle’s A-Studio. Tikkanen conversation partner was the coalition party mps . On received comment at the time . IL-picture combinations not afford a bus ticket …

Tikkanen live largely aid agencies of charity. The doctor deemed necessary to the vitamin have been on a break for two months. He has had to resort to the food queue.

–because I’m Allergic but I can eat like unseasoned meat, and it is a division of scarce. Once I received the package unflavored chicken breast schnitzel, which expiration date was three days earlier.

Tikkanen graduated from the university of Eastern Finland philosophy, a master’s degree in the early 1990s.

students from the beginning, we were told that the country’s science education programme no one has ranked in the training similar to work, but considerably better.

He graduated from the Finnish torn, however, in the 1990s a famous lama.

– Even a cleaning job had not been offered throughout the city. I got a year scholarship and leaving Romania to Transylvania to do a village survey. When I returned back, the situation wasn’t any better.

Tikkanen engineer studying the man had been facing only one and a half years to graduate. Those dreams had to be rejected, when the Coil agreed to pay housing rent-apartment only Tikkanen half of the.

We were told to start unemployed, that we would get income support.

Tikkanen take my husband with a franchise-entrepreneur fast food chain in 1998.

a Year so we can pay our company unlevered, but then my health couldn’t take it anymore. 40 degree fever, I taught for one employee of pizza baking, another cash machine use, a third clothing care and the fourth accounting criteria. At the beginning of 1999 I got burned out.

Tikkanen got his first child in 1997 and began waiting for the second child in 1999: during, when the body began to malfunction, and not work again come to nothing.

Two years after Tikkanen and the man gave up a franchise-entrepreneurship and man was to continue as an independent pizzeria-as an entrepreneur. Tikkanen’s health was failing still worse, but still he continued as one of the most plum job in the. The third child was born in 2005.

the late 2000s Tikkanen moved with her husband and children in Helsinki. In job interviews, he missed a number of narrowly relegated to second place. Odd jobs he did, inter alia, the bread seller, Hakaniemi hall.

– Health could not bear it, when the summer heat was over 40 degrees.

”Ridiculous active in the model”

Helsinki Tikkanen separated from her husband. In 2010, he received four months of training similar to the work of some of the organisation’s operations director’s deputy. It was the only time the Dart is paid as normal salary.

In 2010 after she has been just a trial work and been to rehab.

Deputies Susanna On met Tikkanen fall 2017 and spring 2018. In the first television meeting Tikkanen gives the whitewater rafting challenge: he should find out the bank statements, how long income support the basic components of 490 euros per month would be enough for his everyday life, and where it would be consumed.

the Second meeting On not returned Tikkanen challenge and the sound was the clock anyway another. On push Tikkasta me wonder what him could be the added value which he would get their situation improved. Tikkanen mentioned constraints On noted that ”we all have constraints” and urged him to market himself online.

Tikkanen constraints diseases, in addition however, it was also the fact that he had to book new and intact to your computer. The library computer again, had to reserve time each time and the queues were long.

Tikkanen life the beginning of the year came into force the unemployed to the active model does not have time to affect.

– I Left it with a long rehabilitation and trial work, that I had fibromyalgia because of not managed. Employers it became clear that someone like me sick people have no shoes make sense to hire. I don’t diseases no longer even voluntary work, which previously did mm. support staff in various organizations.

the Entire active model in Tikkanen considered completely absurd.

– the Unemployed trying to activate at the same time, when their finances tighten. Should get a job, but the money is not enough even cool clothes. No one employer does not hire the old hole of a t-shirt dressed unemployed.

”Fortunately, the kids grow up”

Tikkanen will no longer have consented to the third tv reunion Touch with.

I don’t have him anymore, nothing to say. Any other politician with yes, I’m ready to discuss. I want to ground such a government, which really also keep their promises and understand the poor. 10-20 million, the additional expenditure per month derailed by people below the poverty line people to economic disaster.

Tikkanen himself believes produced to the society many times more value than the Touch.

I’ve given birth to three future tax payers and I’ve done a lot of volunteer work, he said.

Positive things in the past year the way he had to think about for a long time.

– fixed-term partial disability pension in addition, I got the autumn also the apartment on the first floor. My knee couldn’t handle even every other day stairs climbing. Also, children are growing all the time and are able to take more responsibility for themselves.

new year’s Tikkanen did not arrange to celebrate or shoot rockets.

Maybe the tv will be viewed. Health status, because hardly go out to watch the other fireworks. Force may not be enough even pottusalaatin. Life should be such that köyhänkään wouldn’t have to be food in the christmas collection and various organizations aid. Children were playing christmas board games. That’s those poor joys are, too.