As Amos Oz at the beginning of the noughties years of poetry-a lecturer in Tübingen, he described in one of his Lectures as “specialists in comparative fanaticism.” This is not surprising as at the time of its origin, the tensions in his home country, have left deep traces in his biography and his literary work. But Oz wanted to leave his life never to be a specialist, but the fanaticism in his home to meet him in combat, those on the side of the Israelis and the Palestinians. “Mutual understanding” is one of these control agents, offered he at the time in Tübingen, the “openness” of another, the latter presupposes, however, “anchoring of both sides in a social and political System”.

And as a third compound called Oz “Humor”, knowing full well that it was of the purely political side, wishful thinking, a utopia without any real views. But the role of literature, particularly of the social role that the wanted to, at least, he understood in a way that they promote the ability of the people to be more Humor and thus has to be taken from different angles.

Amos Oz, understood both as a Realist as a dreamer. And he was a great, often as a favorite for the Nobel prize for literature-traded writer of the Israeli conflict seized to the Palestinian-always the word when it was appropriate – and it was, of course, frequently, but knew how to separate precisely between politics and literature. If he was at peace with himself, he confessed once, “indifferent to what it is to be a part of life, or the development of the country, then I write an article. If, however, I am a bit ambivalent if I have more than a voice in me, (…), then this inconsistency can be that the odds of the votes, the Embryo of a story.“

So, he managed to create a large, almost incomprehensible, factory novels, collections of stories, children’s books and Essays, beginning with his 1966-published debut novel, “A different place”, which portrays in detail and slightly sentimental, the small world of a kibbutz, up to his last book of essays, “love fanatic”. In it, he shows once again why it is fanaticism expert and examines the fanaticism in General, religious and nationalist values.

In his novel “Judas,” he treated the theme of betrayal

It is the special of Oz’ books, that in only rare traces of a political documentary literature and metaphors and multi-faceted an authentic picture of the Israeli reality, to convey the voltages, which are exposed to this special and forever vulnerable country and its society, is always under special consideration of the Israeli-Palestinian relationship.

so in his wonderful Jerusalem – and love-the novel “My Michael”, which appeared two years after his debut, and also the story of a failed marriage told; this is so in his still beautiful, most beautiful, and most powerful, in the noughties years ago published the novel “A tale of love and darkness”, with which he has alike of Israel and its 1933 before the Russian Revolution in Odessa to Palestine refugees, the family erected the monument. And in which he also describes the oppressive and failed marriage-story of his parents, ending in the suicide of the mother, who leaves her son desperately.

And this is so in his last, religious historical ideas and theses novel “Judas”. This dealt mainly with the theme of betrayal, a personal life theme of Oz. “Judas” is also a nod to his great-uncle Joseph Klausner. The was a Lithuanian-born Religious and literary critic and was known for his books “Jesus of Nazareth” and “From Jesus to Paul” in the twenties. Klausner claimed that Jesus was a Jewish Reformer and as a committed Jew died, which brought him from all sides, many hostile.

in 1939, born in the mainly Eastern European immigrants populated the Jerusalem district of Kerem Avraham, los said, Amos Oz, after the maternal suicide of his father, a librarian, would prefer to become scientists, and decided at the age of 14 years for a life in the kibbutz. There, he changed his name from Klausner to Oz, which in Hebrew means power and strength. After a literature and philosophy degree in the early sixties, in Jerusalem, Oz, the Kibbutz-movement loyalty, and then in 1967 to participate as a member of a tank unit in the six day war on the Sinai. In 1973 he fought in the Yom Kippur war on the Golan heights, founded at the time but also the peace movement “Peace Now”. His political Credo was therefore never a pure pacifist. Amos Oz can be understood as a fighter for the peace that is always ready to take a gun in the Hand and also Israeli military operations in Lebanon and against Hamas in the Gaza strip was endorsed.

but This had taught him not only the own war, but also the Holocaust. He said in his acceptance speech for the 2005 Goethe prize of the city of Frankfurt, there is no peace had been protesters, not a “pacifist idealists”, who had liberated the surviving Jews in the concentration camps, but armed soldiers: “This is a fact that we forget to Israeli peace activists, even if we have to fight against the attitude of our country towards the Palestinians, even if we work for a living European, a peaceful compromise between Israel and Palestine.”.

Tirelessly Oz sat down for the so-called two-state solution a

This livable compromise, this was for Oz is always the so-called two-state solution. For this, he fought tirelessly, even if he knew the Severity of the feasibility. And yet: “My Zionist approach is simple: We are not alone in this country. We are not alone in Jerusalem. I say to my Palestinian friends. You are not alone in this country. There is no other way, as this little house into two smaller apartments, to divide.“

His willingness to compromise, his sense of reality but, therefore, the “Judas”-cloth, and brought him often to the accusation of committing treason – in the end, since his Childhood, as he explained some years ago in Hamburg, in his speech of thanks for the Siegfried-Lenz prize. Because he had made friends before the state of Israel was founded in 1948 with a British soldier made friends who taught him as a small boy in English and he asked that in return, a little Hebrew, and many of his friends angry: “How can you make friends with our occupiers?” And so the conclusion of the Oz concluded at the time, in his own case: “Sometimes the traitor is simply someone who has the courage to change – in the eyes of those who do not want to change, are afraid of the change to hate.”

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the International literary prize for Amos Oz traitor changer can be

Gerrit Bartels

Oz was always ready to change, ready to fight his enemies, like his opponents, for peace – and to dream. As he said it in one of his last Interviews on the question of a conclusion of peace between Israelis and Arabs, against the Background of the long and bloody European history: “I’m sure we will make it faster than the Europeans. We need not 2000 years, but very much less.“ On Friday Amos Oz at the age of 79 years, died of cancer in Jerusalem.