Showbizz “I miss the Tina of the past. The positive woman that did not suspicious, was”, says Tina Maerevoet (34) in the Day All about themselves. The death of her father in the “Home” -actress large scars left, she tells herself in ” On the Road With Jan. But they cherish hope: “There is still so much beautiful things to happen in my life, I just have to be open.” A sincere, touching conversation.
In the “Home” is Tina’s character is not spared from human suffering. The ivf journey of Paulien works very difficult, making it her desire to have children time after time postponed see. It doesn’t make her the happiest of the gang. And that could just be a feeling that Tina is very good to recognize themselves.
Three years ago, died, Tina’s father Ludo on his 62nd on longvlieskanker. The terrible disease was the result of the asbestdeeltjes that as a child he had inhaled when he was around the areas of construction company Eternit played. Tina’s dad chose after a long and painful trial for euthanasia. ‘I notice that our whole family when a knak has been’, she says.