of The numerous fakes that is transferred to a “mirror”Journalist Claas Relotius should have called on readers to donate to his private account. This described several readers of the “mirror”, as the magazine reported on Saturday evening. Accordingly, Relotius from a private E-Mail account had sent out calls for donations to help allegedly orphaned children in Turkey. The money should be transferred to his private Bank account.

The editors didn’t know anything about the fundraiser, said “the mirror”. How many donations there were, how high they were and what happened to the money, ultimately, is still unclear. The “mirror” will pass all the information in the context of a criminal complaint to the Prosecutor’s office.

the Background of the fundraiser was the magazine, according to a report from Relotius on Syrian orphans, who lived in Turkey in the street. The truth content of the text, there are, according to the now considerable doubt.

Adoption of orphans was invented

accompanied by A photographer, the Relotius at times during the Research, pointed out on several inconsistencies. One of the two children, according to the Relotius’ Text, it was a sibling pair might have been a complete invention.

In a Reporter-anthology Relotius self-reported according to the “mirror” recently, about the beginning of the fundraiser. The Journalist told, therefore, how he did it in months-long Effort to bring the two orphan children of a family in lower Saxony which have adopted the children. However, this was apparently an invention, and explained the “mirror”. Relotius itself is currently not for current opinions.

The “mirror” had announced on Wednesday that the 33-year-old award-winning editor of the reports had, in whole or in part, systematically falsified. He had characters, quotes and events invented or the biographies of real-life protagonists distorted. Relotius wrote for the publisher since 2011, almost 60 texts and has also worked for other media. The “mirror” announced a comprehensive workup. (sep/AFP)

Created: 23.12.2018, 11:07 PM