Here came to be and thought that it went so well for him there multimilliardæren tv star, Dynekongen Lars Duvet-Larsen, who thanks to a great business acumen, great deals and knowledgeable staff has gathered a kæmpedyne of money at home in Silkeborg, denmark.

Poor Larsen
But apparently not good enough for Larsen bows in years christmas present to his employees, and thus saves 2.5 million right down in the dyneforet.

Poor Larsen thus comes in the company of troubled SAS, which, due to the economic situation of either giving gifts or having a party. The same is the case for Arla, the world’s largest mejerikoncern, which saves six million dkk. to loop the 17,000 christmas gifts.

But although most companies despite the crisis, still want to give christmas gifts to their employees, the gifts, in many cases, be somewhat less than in the past, notes the Jyllands-Posten today.

Money sitting stramts
this is the sound of the message in each case from the firms that specializes in selling firmajulegaver to the Danish business community.

– the Money sits more tightly, and gavebudgetterne are not the same. So where they previously gave for 400 kr., provides the in the years closer to 200-300 kr.

It says Henrik Lovisendal, who is the owner of Firmagaveeksperten a living out of providing presents to the companies.

The more pared budgets comes, ironically the year after the ceiling of a tax-free christmas present was increased, so you now need to give gifts for $ 700. incl. vat.

Among the companies that continue to provide christmas gifts are Post Danmark, Dong, Saxo Bank, Velux, NCC, Grundfos and Danfoss.

you Have the understanding that f.ex. mangemilliardæren Duvet-Larsen and companies like SAS and Arla saves christmas present away, or creates it just a negative mood, to drop this year christmas ?