Many christmas ornaments have a symbolic meaning, which is just over the years, forgotten.Watch the video from the pro tip the most beautiful tree decoration. 1. Christmas tree

Green, fragrant tree is as well as the other ornaments of the crown that one of christmas’s most important symbols. It refers to the paradise of the life tree, and is strength, loyalty and the heyday of metaphor. Six stabilized Finnish home christmas decoration in the late 1800s. Once the christmas tree I didn’t need to be only six, but to other evergreen trees, such as pine or juniper.

the decorative balls are replaced before the old decorations used apples and other fruits. 2. Christmas balls

the decorative balls are replaced before the old decorations used apples and other fruits. Both symbolize the paradise tree of fruit. Before colorful ball ornaments were on offer, fruit was wrapped in also silver or gold colored paper. Christmas tree decorations is also said to be referring to the christmas gifts.

3. Christmas star

Window or for the top to hang the star to resemble a christmas star, which shone in a manger above. Decorative refers to also know who is involved in the star led to baby Jesus. Six-pointed-star is usually crisscross two equal triangles, which refer to the kolmiyhteiseen in God and the divinity of Jesus. Eight-pointed star again symbolizes birth and new life.

4. Traditional

handmade, hanging from the ceiling, straw decoration, like the rest of the straw decorations, can refer both to Bethlehem, the manger, the straw that the old way, when christmas brought the straw house. Name traditional itself derives from the germanic languages from the word sky. Traditional decorations have been said describing also the star of Bethlehem.

5. Candles

the Candles that were christmas light everywhere: on the tree, the christmas table and to the cemetery. A burning candle is the life and immortality symbol. Also remember the christmas lights has the same meaning.

6. Angels

the Angels proclaim the christmas gospel. Angels have been used recently also in Finland the christmas tree before the star replaced this practice in the early 1900s.

7. Evergreen branches

the Evergreen branches, such as ivy or holly so holly, adorned in many European countries, christmas home and cards. They symbolize eternal life. Holly’s prickly leaves depicting Christ’s crown of thorns and the red berries drops of blood.

Sources: Pentti Lempiänen; Sacred times. Anu Seljavaara and Päivi Kärjä; let the Celebration begin – the annual customs and traditions. Kaisa Koivisto, Hannele Nyman and Marjo-Riitta salon cape; the Tree is built.

Article is originally published in 2014.