once Again, parts of the US Federal administration are in the management of a state of emergency. Because Democrats, Republicans and U.S. President Donald Trump can not agree on a provisional budget law, it is unable to Finance the government officially some of the facilities. Now ministries, Offices and authorities to be forcibly closed. How could this happen and how to do it? The most important questions and answers.

The “Shutdown” process occurs when a bill to Fund the government expires and the US Congress and President to rewrite.

This was in the fractious Washington in the past few years, more often the case, alone in 2018 already two Times, if only for a short period of time. The authorities concerned have consumed during the Shutdown officially your financial resources and have to close, the Federal government must make urgent and necessary expenses.

Who is affected and who is not are not affected

this Time, three-quarters of the Federal authorities. They are funded by a law, up until the autumn of next year by the defense, and the Ministry of labour, education and health authorities.

In the administration state of emergency since midnight, American time, however, nine facilities, including the space Agency, Nasa, government departments such as homeland security, justice, economy, housing and foreign Affairs, to authorities such as the environmental authority, the EPA or the FDA.

according to his calculations, 800’000 state employees receive no salary, approximately 420’000 of them need to go even initially unpaid work, for example in air navigation, state prisons, or in border protection. Some authorities have reserves, while others were open to the public until next Wednesday.

For the state, it is staff critical if you have to absorb because of their loss of Pay credits, to the temporary loss of income between the Finance.


Actually, members of Parliament, senators and government will discuss only a interim financing until February. U.S. President Donald Trump insists that there is 5.7 billion U.S. dollars released to a fulfillment of his election promise to progress: to promised the construction of a border wall, Mexico (for the present, but not the neighboring state pays).

The Republican majority in the house of representatives should be there in your draft, cash, after lengthy negotiations, in the Senate there is no majority. There, the Conservatives are relying on the approval of some Democrats, but also in the case of individual fashion Republicans, rates with skepticism.

Had agreed the two chambers on a draft without walls-billion, would not Trump signed according to the law.

The want Donald Trump

On 3. January, the Democrats take over the house of representatives in the majority. Then it will be almost impossible for Trump to get money for his wall. The US President emphasized, albeit without evidence, that without the wall, no border security is possible. The Democrats to keep the tax money waste and indicate that the government exploited at the Moment, only a small portion of the already provided border protection agents.

Last week was Trump in front of the cameras armed with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, the two highest-ranking Democrats in the Congress. However, he said, to take responsibility for the Shutdown, if you keep him, the start-up funding for the construction of the wall. In the past few days, however, he returned to his strategy to make the Democrats responsible.

Video – Trump is fighting with opposition leaders in Front of the cameras on a conversation between Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Donald Trump over the border wall escalated. (Video: CNN)

The question of ownership of citizens to assign political blame, it plays in such disputes is always a key role. A survey of the “National Public Radio”, according to 36 percent of U.S. citizens are of the opinion that the border wall is a management contingency value.

For the Democrats it is also important to prevent a core project of the US President. Trump does not want to signal, however, in relation to the next presidential election in 2020 and his followers to be his promise.

In the past few days had supporters from the hard-line Kommentariat increases the pressure and the US President in front of a compromise, warned. Thus, the influence of reported trump idealism-opening act and Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter rich critical word. Coulter is not referred to Trump as a “coward” if he redeem his wall, promise. Trump entfolgte her shortly afterwards on Twitter.

How long might the Shutdown last

The situation is that the US President is currently in the Wake of the Russia-investigation and the new political balance of power already under great pressure He had recently replaced his chief of staff, as his Minister of defence, lost.

on Friday evening, the Congress tops and the Trump Team, which also includes son Jared Kushner-in-law talked more about the budget. Both the house of representatives, and the Senate will take up on Saturday lunch again officially their meetings.

However, not all representatives of the people are shortly before Christmas in Washington, a vote will be scheduled with 24-hours in advance, to the politicians fly in. Depending on the willingness to compromise and the Shutdown is still on Sunday or the new year drag on. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 22.12.2018, 08:32 PM