In the stomach to rotate and sick, but is it spoiled food, or something else? Is food poisoning possible to distinguish the ordinary from the stomach disease?

Winter a variety of abdominal diseases churning. How do you know, is it stomach flu or food poisoning?

the origin of the Disease can be difficult to figure out because the symptoms are so similar.

Both occur with vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and stomach pain. In addition, may have a fever.

Professor Nike Sonpa! to tell the, which can give an indication, which may be the case.

mostphotos when the symptoms began?

in cases of Suspected infection of a certain food substance in the incubation period of contemplation can be useful.

food poisoning caused by the meal is often the last to eat.

food poisoning caused by the symptoms often begin a few hours after a meal to eat, as a rule, less than one day after the contaminated food to eat.

the virus in the incubation period is 1-3 days and the bacteria 2-5 days.

norovirukseen of the incubation period is 12-48 hours.

as well As stomach disease and food intoxication symptoms can include nausea and vomiting, abdominal cramps and watery diarrhea.

Food intoxication vomiting and abdominal pain can be especially intense.

you Were the only one who got sick?

If no one else of the same food eaten is not sick, the more likely it is that something else pöpöstä.

food poisoning the most common source of infection is contaminated drinking water, badly cooked food, for several hours in a warm preserved salad or milk-based foods.

food poisoning is caused by bacteria that infections, unlike viral infections, do little to infect from one person to another, unless hand hygiene are exceedingly bad.

instead, the epidemic may have started from one person, if he food put spread bacteria to food.

Norovirus spread sensitivity also through the hands, because the infection required only a few dozen viruses.

norovirus epidemics are caused, for example, abroad imported frozen berries that have been contaminated already in the country of origin.


that’s a bad disease come from anywhere, improvement of treatment is similar.

Diarrhea and vomiting for valle adequate fluids is important. Loss of fluids must be replaced as soon as it was born.

This can mean several litres of drinks per day.

quite a lot oksentelevan should try to drink small amounts of liquid a few tablespoons at a time. From the beginning it is good to get also a little salt. Even if the diarrhea was profuse, the food absorbed from the intestine nearly normal.

an Easy way to get a sufficient amount of salt is mixed in a liter of water with 1 teaspoon salt and 10 teaspoons of sugar. Ready diarrhea drinks will also receive pharmacy.

Vomiting is not usually unable to eat or eating can cause stomach cramps.

the Stomach should give you a sedative, and start eating gently.

Choose the worth of small meals of easily digestible food that is liquid or puree countries. For example, mashed potatoes, porridge and juice the soup will pamper your aching stomach.

Seek medical attention of these symptoms:

food poisoning went to the Finnish food safety authority evira’s website, according to the usually quite quickly past, but they can sometimes cause serious and long-term diseases or as a result of, in particular, the risk categories of persons.

high-risk groups include children under school age, pregnant or breastfeeding women, the elderly and those whose resistance is a serious disease due to impaired.

the Doctor should seek, if the diarrhea is violent symptoms or stool has blood.

Including high fever, severe fatigue and mucous membranes dryness and dehydration due to the confusion are reasons to seek medical attention.

in Children with febrile diarrhea required medical examination.

If you suspect you may have food poisoning, contact your municipality’s health inspector.

If the suspect food is purchased for the home, for example, a store or restaurant, and it still remains, can it deliver the examination board of the food lab.

Source:, Fda, health library.en