It’s christmas and thus time for the year lie about santa claus. It has become a regular tradition that the parents wonder their kids to believe that it comes a man in a red suit on a visit to hand out gifts to children who have been kind in the last year. This lie is so common that we hardly think about it. But the truth is that parents deliberately lie to their children that santa claus exists. Is it morally okay?

PROFESSOR: Espen Gamlund. Show more

It is widely accepted that it is wrong to lie. The one who is lying is trying to get the other to believe something that is false. Parents who lie about santa claus trying to get children to believe that there actually is a guy with the beard in the red suit, which every year hands out gifts to nice children.

Because the lie basically is wrong, so we need a good reason to lie. What could be a good reason to tell the children the myth about santa claus?

One reason may be the that we “only” have with children to make. Because they are vulnerable, they have requirements on protection. This means that it sometimes can be acceptable to lie to children. We tell the so-called “white lies” just to hide the truth for the children, because they are not believed to have the ability to understand how the world hangs together.

When a pet dies, so says the parents may have traveled to dyrehimmelen. It is not true, but the truth is probably too hard to relate to. Other times again brags about the adults of how good the kids are, at school or in sports, when they don’t really mean it.

do you Doubt whether you are fit to be a parent, you should allow the be to get the kids Debate

in Short, the twisting and turning we at the truth in the face of the children because they are children. This uærligheten justified on the grounds that it serves children’s interests. We lie for the children’s sake. So what with the lie about santa claus?

I suspect that the parents tell the lie and partly for the children’s sake and partly for its own sake. For parents, the entertainment value, and for the children helps them to create expectations, excitement and magic in December. Children often live in a fantasy world where magic plays an important role. Santa claus, the tooth fairy and the easter bunny are a part of this.

According to psychological research, it is important that children get to use their imagination and their creative abilities, and in this way can the myth of santa claus be valuable. It lets children fantasize about a world where the seemingly impossible is possible.

The good news is that it is not necessary to tell the myth of santa claus for the children to experience the magic. There is so much around us that is magical. The stars in the sky, the rainbow, kameleonens color shift, the universe’s origin. The list of magical natural phenomena are long.

Parents have unlimited opportunities to stimulate children’s creativity and curiosity through exploring the world around them. They can also read fairy-tales and other fiksjonslitteratur.

There are many ways to tell the story of santa claus. One can tell about the saint, St. Nikolaus, or you can choose any fiksjonsfortelling. The ethical problem occurs when one consciously tells it as if it is true. While fiction does not intend to mislead, it is just that the lie is founded on. It is great that we let the children explore the boundaries of what is possible here in the world. They must also get to pretend santa claus exists.

however, It is problematic if the parents deliberately try to get children to believe something they themselves know is impossible or false. Children look up to their parents and trust what they say. It should not parents utilize to tell them untruths.

so What with the parents who tells their children that God exists? Hold not the in the same way their kids for fun? The difference here is in what the parents themselves actually believe in. Religious parents believe that God exists, and therefore they deceive not their children. Parents who tell their kids that santa claus is know to the difference that the story they tell to children is not true.

Some think that the lie about santa claus still is pretty innocent after all. It is not the end of the world, and the children will find sooner or later that their parents have deceived them. But such a lie can also have some unfortunate consequences for the children and the wider community.

In our time, where the lie of the false news has spread to all corners of the world, is it problematic to deliberately lie to children. The breed during an already difficult grenseoppgang between what is true and what is false. Parents should be good role models when it comes to distinguish the true from the false.

If the parents to be good role models so they should also welcome the children’s skepticism of the myth of santa claus. As mentioned, the children after each suspicious of the spinnville the notion that the man in the red suit is real in the same way as the white snow on the ground it is.

When the children begin to question the santa’s existence, then meet some of those parents who stubbornly try to convince them that they are wrong. They address the meaning of the children’s reasonable skepticism and critical thinking to repeat the lie.

It expresses a lack of respect for the child as a growing independent minded individuals. Also, there is a risk that it weakens children’s trust in adults. If the adults are lying about santa, what else are lying about?

another problematic page by santa claus is that he makes the difference on the children. He puts as a condition for children to get the gifts that they have been kind in the last year. This is problematic for three reasons. For the first breaks with the common practice we have of giving each other gifts without having to set conditions.

For the second, it is unclear who it is that decides whether children have been good or not. Is it santa claus, the parents, or by themselves? As a child I wondered how santa could know how I had behaved throughout the year.

For the third exploits a part of parents this as a part in the upbringing of the children. They may say such things as “if you don’t have been nice, so you don’t get a gift from santa claus”. It is both ethically questionable and poor educational parenting to use the threat as a part of the to motivate their children to behave well.

It is sometimes wrong to lie, also to the children. Therefore, let us be honest about that santa claus does not exist for real. Merry christmas!

– Let santa claus ask if the children have been the kind Comment