In the beginning of september came the tragic news that the Ida Owned was gone, only 30 years old. Langrennsløperen died of heart failure after having participated in a mosjonsløp at Jessheim, and in the middle of september was the funeral for her was held in the Lidar church.

“Nilsi” about samboerens deaths: – Puts you completely out of the game

Both family, friends and boyfriend in the time after stated how difficult it is to go ahead without the 30-year-old, and amongst other boyfriend Nils-Ingar Aadne (36) has struggled with a with to take in that she is gone.

He was at home when the phone rang the first time. In the period he was premiereklar with the show “The Spanish fly” at Oslo nye, and the day of the tragic message came, he was going down at the theatre.

In a new interview with VG Weekend tells the comedian candidly about sjokkbeskjeden, and about how he tries to live on without Owned.

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2 weeks ago I went from the best time in my life, to the worst in 1 day. It has been 2 unreal weeks after my wonderful Ida suddenly disappeared from me. Enough has been written about this, but I have a need to to thank you for all the support from far and near, who have been absolutely outstanding. And especially from her family. Thank you very much. ❤️

A post shared by Nils-Ingar Aadne (@nilsingar) on

– the Grief comes and goes

the 36-year-old quickly got the information at the theatre about to go to the hospital where Mr. lay, and the sight of his girlfriend he describes as hard.

During a day after he had kissed her goodbye before the training session, the dead Owned. Three times they had the opportunity to see her in the chapel at the hospital, and 36-year-old was there every time.

The beloved comedian does not hide the fact that everything was bad in the time that followed.

Shelves his deceased sister:- She was my supermenneske

– At some point it became clear to me that I would have to clean away all those things which testified about how she was torn away. That suitcase is hers after Oljemessen, the one she didn’t get to pack out. Vannflaska by the side of the bed. Sack her from the race, who stood out in the hallway here a week, ” he says.

There are over three months since Ida suddenly was torn away and Aadne tells about how grief comes in waves, and how missing after his girlfriend constantly is present.

– It comes in all situations. At home, there. I miss terribly having her around me here at home. It happened on the job was not so dangerous if I came to her home. The grief comes and goes, sometimes it is easier, then I can use the Ida as an inspiration to get me further.

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Tragedies that rocked the cross-country Norway: – physically-Demanding Move in with her sister

just over A month after Idas death, was Nils-Ingar Aadne back on the scene.

“Nilsi” about his first race after samboerens demise: – It was very emotional

In the weekend I was back on the scene. A bit strange, very fun and not at least incredibly good to be there again. Thanks to a wonderful audience who took the me well received. Am looking forward to meeting more of you in the future, he wrote in a post on Instagram.

To the VG telling the comedian how he gets a break from the sorrow of the scene, and that he seeks solace in humor, skiing, and friends.

the House that Ida never had a chance to move in, move 36-year-old in together with the Idas sister Mari Eide (29) and her boyfriend Anders Gløersen (32).

In the difficult period he has spent a lot of time with samboerens sister, something he previously has told that has been important for him in this process.

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Life will never be the same without the main series my❤️ I thought you would be with me forever❤️ No one loved life more than you❤️

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the Shock

Both the Nils-Ingar Aadne and Ida eide’s little sister thought it would go fine for the first phone. The day after the death, however, Ida had on the hospital, the 30-year-old. “Nilsi” has previously described it as a shock.

– Now it is I who must clear me without you

– It puts you completely out of the game. It did at least it is with me a good while. Then you must process it. Luckily I have a fantastic network. Ida had a wonderful network. She was extremely social with many around them, they take care of me. The family of Ida is incredibly hot, he has previously said to VG.

Slowly, but surely, the comedian started to come back to everyday life. He stands again on the stand-up scene, and try to take one day at a time.

the Case continues below.

IN SJ0KK: Earlier langrennsløper Ida Eide died in hospital after suffering cardiac arrest during a mosjonsløp. Ingvild Flugstad Østberg met the media Monday to talk about the shock that has hit the langrennsjentene, who is on a training period in Livigno. Video: Heiko Junge / NTB Scanpix Show more

– As time goes on so I am able to see farther and farther ahead in time. In the beginning, it was completely impossible. I had trouble with to know what I was going on the same night. What was the program in the morning. It was impossible to look forward at all. After each, it is easier to see at least a little further ahead, ” he explained.

In the middle of november sesongdebuterte him on Tuesday, and it was an emotional skirenn for him, according to the Newspaper.

I was very nervous before the start, and it was very emotional. In the trail, a few thoughts, but I tried to turn it over to go as fast as possible. And I’m inspired by Ida, he told to the newspaper shortly after to have completed the 15 kilometre classic.

Langrennsjentenes touching gesture after the death