Mr Schmid-Grendel Meier, it may be that the hay fever season starts every year in the past?
The season shifts every year forward. But it is a matter of fact, the first hay fever cases, in the meantime, already in mid-December to occur.

What do you think of this?
There are various reasons for this. On the one hand, the winters are getting warmer. The trees begin to bloom earlier. The Pollen of the hazel-bushes, in the meantime, in January, which has clearly to do with the rising temperatures. On the other hand, there are imported problem plants come from colder regions and in our mild climate already spring feelings.

“There are imported problem plants come from colder regions and in our mild climate already spring feelings.”Peter Schmid-Grendel Meier,
head of the Allergy station at the University hospital Zurich

What are the problem plants?
It is mainly the purple alder, the power to create all those so-called Northern trees allergic to is birch so, alders, and Hazels. The purple stem alder trees, originally from Siberia, and are used to hard Winter. In Siberia they would bloom in February. Because it is here, but very much milder, they begin already in mid-December and the festive season provide a boost to this process.

What has this to do Christmas with the Pollen?
As with all plants, the purple reacts alder strongly to light. As soon as the days get longer, start your Pollen. The Christmas period streets and homes are provided with light chains. The abundance of light with ensure that the Plant blooms in December. Device like all of the feast days really in the mood for a celebration.

In this Season of suffering, however, many cold or cough. How do you recognize that it is a hay fever?
In the case of hay fever, the discharge is not slimy, but watery. Who has hay fever, it consumes up to 20 handkerchiefs of the day, usually sneeze more than three times in a row – we call it the chain sneezing. Nose and eyes itch constantly sometimes the ears, and often a connective occurs skin inflammation. In severe cases, it can lead to shortness of breath and Asthma.

Can you do something about it?
You have to make sure that as little as possible for Pollen to fall into the mucous membranes. For example, by wearing a pair of glasses. In the evening you should brush necessarily the hair well, or wash, so that the Pollen pillow, and from there in the nose. There is also the possibility, on the Windows, a pollen filter installed or in the apartment, an air cleaning system. Such a device draws in air, filters out the Pollen and releases clean air into the room.

How can I find out if I’m a little allergic to?
We have developed an App, you can enter the symptoms. This can then be used to deduce whether an Allergy is present and what Plant you may be allergic. The data will be anonymously recorded and collected in order to draw conclusions on the General development of allergies in the population and to improve the therapy options. It is the largest scientific study of pollen allergies in Switzerland. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 21.12.2018, 14:33 PM