And finally had to move out in London, even the military. On a day of the Gatwick airport was placed on Thursday of lame. At least two drones have prevented take-offs and landings of the aircraft. More than 800 flights were canceled. Much indicates that a targeted interference action.

Also at the airport of Zurich would such a scenario is theoretically conceivable, says Myriam Käser, communications Manager for Skyguide. Would “a complete closure of the airport, but only in extreme cases.” The flight monitor screens, a so-called “non-cooperative drone”, it can initiate various measures. “First of all, the Supervisor in the Tower, what to do decides. He or she can immediately take measures, such as a pilot call with the Start or the landing to be seen,” says cheesemaker. It also Changes the slope concept would be conceivable.

those measures would have to Skyguide to take any further steps with the different actors at the airport, with the airport operator or, depending on the scenario, also with the police.

The options of the police

In the fight against drones, the police of the Canton of Zurich is currently only a medium available to the pilots. The police have been observing the technical developments in drone combat, says a spokesperson for the Canton police, no Tests are currently in progress.

In the fight against drones, there are various defense systems. The WEF Goal jammer were used, which device the signals between flight and Pilot disturb. A Chur company has developed a network of gun. And in the Netherlands, there have been Tests with eagles that were trained to be drones abfängern. The risk of injury for the animals but was too big, the project was set.

Chur company Droptec has developed a network of gun against drones: A Demonstration. (February 2018) Video: SDA

the Zurich airport Would have to stop its operations for one day, it would come to cost him dearly. This weekend will be a day expected to be between 85 000 and 95’000 passengers. How high exactly are the costs of a failure would be difficult to estimate, says airport spokeswoman Sonja Zöchling. The landing fees would be eliminated and the revenue go back to the shops. Such a Situation was in April 2010 when the volcano erupted in Iceland and the sky is spacious, with an ash cloud covered. “The cost at that time amounted to about 2 million francs per day.”

The Zurich airport is within a radius of five kilometers an exclusion zone for the operating of drones that are heavier than half a kilogram. The lowest 150 metres of air space are there for all users of taboo, though these are otherwise open to all. Longer of the airport of Zurich calls for more regulation of drones. New, stricter, and with the EU co-ordinated rules according to the Federal office for civil aviation (Foca), presumably at the beginning of the year 2020. The incidents involving drones have increased or decreased in the current year compared to the previous year: 2017 pilots Switzerland reported sightings of 45, 2018 there were only 28, and the 14 million movements in the plane of transport. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 21.12.2018, 17:00 Uhr