“No drönarstopp in the year for aviation in Sweden”

“In 2018, not a single major disturbance with the drones occurred in Sweden. It is a big improvement – last year, Bromma and Arlanda 17 times.”

“But at an event such as the one at Gatwick would Swedish airports to be very vulnerable, believes an expert.”

“In 2017 was forced to Arlanda and Bromma airport to close airspace on 17 occasions because of the drones. Air traffic was affected for about 30 minutes at a time.”

“But during the past year, not a single drönarincident occurred, apart from a short-lived outside of Linköping, sweden, according to Swedish civil aviation administration.”

“A number of different measures are believed to have made a difference, among other things, the regulatory framework has changed. It has become possible to divide the control zone that extends several kilometres around an airport in the sectors, which meant that if a drone is to the north of the airport has flights continued to land or start from the southern part.”

“– It does not mean that we allow the use of drones but that we can deal with them in a different way, ” says Jan-Olof Ehk, flygsäkerhetschef at the civil aviation authority (SCAA).”

“the Light drones get from and with February also fly a maximum of 50 metres above the ground five kilometers from a runway. At the same time, the authorities have gone out far and wide and informed about the risks and rules with drönarflygning, which made the difference.”

“– these 17 closures they had at Arlanda and Bromma, I have no figure on how many thousands of passengers were affected, but this year we have zero so this means, of course, a lot, ” says Jan-Olof Ehk.”

“in Addition to affected travelers, there are costs for that aircraft shall circulate or wait on the ground. But above all, can drones pose a safety risk. There are events in Sweden, when the drones have found themselves in a two-km altitude around an airport.”

“– One can speculate that they are up there to photograph the aircraft and it is absolutely fatal, ” says Ehk.”

“An aircraft makes a landing approach at around 350 km / hour and if a 30 kilogram heavy metal, would pop into the cockpit would the drone be able to go straight through the window and kill the pilot. What happens if a drone goes into the engine is also not entirely clear, the airline industry has not performed tests on the drone since it is a relatively new phenomenon, and expensive to test, according to Jan-Olof Ehk.”

“to force down a drone are different methods. They can be disturbed out so that it slowly falls to the ground, they can be pushed down or simply captured with a net from another drone. It is the police task and which resources are available, according to the SCAA.”

“But if an event such as the one at the airport Gawtick in the Uk would occur, where several drones seemingly deliberately sabotaged the air traffic, so there is not the same protection.”

“We are prepared to handle individual drones, but if it would happen in an organised form so we could be better prepared,” says Jan-Olof Ehk.”

“have no such awareness event took place in Sweden but flygsäkerhetschefen does not preclude that it may occur in the future. In order to further increase the protection, there is more action.”

” I think we can develop sensors so that you know if there are drones in the area. And you would be able to get the drones to stop working in certain areas. But is it terrorism, they learn to come in any way to go around it, ” says flygsäkerhetschefen.”

“the Drone under 7 kg no longer need a permit but have the following rules:”

“Note the drone with the operator’s name and phone number.”

“Flight within the sight without the help of visual aids, such as binoculars.”

“Air max 120 metres from the ground.”

“Keep distance to people and animals.”

“Flight at least 5 miles from the runway.”

“Air max 50, or 10 metres from the ground in the control zone.”

“do not Fly over the distress.”

“do not Fly over the nuclear power plants, prisons, parks, nature reserves and military areas.”