because of The bedrägerimisstankarna she was fired from both the worker’s party and the christian democrat executive committee.

the Investigation was a trip to the west coast in the summer of 2015 for which she received compensation from parliament for.

– the Suspicion was that the trip would primarily have been of a private nature and she is therefore not entitled to compensation from the riksdag. But she has left a story which, so far as we can control, is true – that she has had assignments as eligible for reimbursement from the parliament all the days she has been there, says prosecutors Joakim Zander to the TT.

several of the Szybers travel, reported that she’s during the trip to Lysekil participated in a wedding.

According to contact the riksdag administration has the right to have private commitments, even during a business trip. It is a matter of opinion, you say, how much of the trip which may be of a private nature, ” said the prosecutor.

After the newspaper’s reporting, admitted Szyber that it has become wrong, and she paid back his girlfriend hotellkostnad of 800 sek.

travel as Szyber made to Venice and Rome, then she let the taxpayers bear the family’s hotel expenses. These trips have not been investigated by the police and prosecutors.

”I never had the intention to deceive someone or to shoe me at the taxpayers ‘ expense, but my actions have been careless and unthinking,” wrote Caroline Szyber on his blog in the context of the disclosure. She then payed back the money which parliament laid out for the trips, a total of 35.000 sek.