It was one of the largest cases of marijuana and cannabis smuggling in Switzerland, with the district court of Zurich deal in the summer and in December. Were accused of five men imported in a different composition, between 2010 and April 2016, a total of seven tons of drug from the Netherlands, and Spain in the Switzerland.

Now, the main perpetrators, a 39-year-old Swiss, convicted of drug trafficking and money laundering on a large scale and further offences imprisonment for a term of eleven years, as from today, in writing, delivered judgment dispositive. In addition, he must submit to the state a Million francs out of the unlawfully earned profit. The man had pulled the strings in the drug smuggling, and various hemp-indoor plants are operated in Switzerland. Its sales turnover of the Prosecutor’s office stood at around 37 million Swiss francs. In addition, the man had operated the money laundering in the amount of approximately 5 million Swiss francs.

both of His lawyers had asked for the process in mid-December, a sentence of imprisonment of 36 months and required to dismiss the for nearly three years imprisoned man immediately. The state attorney’s statements made to the drug quantity to be completely outrageous. Her client had only acted with hemp products in the scope of 240 kilograms, sales amounted to CHF 1.15 million. Her client had been charged by a Mitbeschuldigten strong, came to it as a “key witness” in the investigation, detention and a mild punishment could be expected. Compared to the TA, one of the lawyers announced the verdict to the upper court.

conviction for money laundering

the court sentenced a 37-year-old Swiss chef because of a qualified drug trafficking to four and a quarter years. A fellow Turk who is in the gastro area, receives for drug trafficking and illegal pornography 28 months. Both men must serve their sentences. Both are relevantly previously convicted, and had delinquiert in the sample.

sentenced A fourth defendant, a 38-year-old Portuguese Director, was due to a qualified money laundering an unconditional sentence of imprisonment of three and a half years. He has to deliver the state of 50’000 Swiss francs.

as a “key witness” referred to as the fifth Accused, a 50-year-old Swiss, who was sentenced this summer already in the summary proceedings for drug trafficking and complicity to money laundering to be a part of a suspended sentence of 36 months; six months he has to serve. In addition, he must pay to the state of 100’000 Swiss francs.

Additional judgments in the Canton of Aargau

in the Canton of Aargau, members of the drug ring were in court. Two other accomplices have already been convicted to four and five years imprisonment. A total of around 20 persons are in all the procedures involved as an accomplice, transporters, or customers. The results of the investigation of the monster if fill 73 folder.


Created: 21.12.2018, 13:53 PM