“To threaten farmers is totally unacceptable”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“REPLICA. Palle Borgström, president of the farmers ‘ union, described the 17 december in the newspaper Aftonbladet Debate how his members are threatened by militant animal rights activists. Both the farmers and their family members have been exposed to something that they perceive as threats. They have reportedly been forced to move to sheltered accommodation because of the scary warnings from unknown actors.”

“This is obviously something that is completely unacceptable in the debate, regardless of which objective the debaters have. The ends do not justify the means if the means consists of the unlawful practices that may cause physical or mental suffering. “

“the Undersigned organisations are powerful distance from any kind of criminal or extra-parliamentary actions to drive public opinion. “

“Then it doesn’t matter if you call the documents of civil disobedience, or something else, threats and vandalism does not belong in the public debate.”

“that being said, we also want to emphasize that we do not agree with the FEDERATION in all matters concerning Swedish animal husbandry. “

“As a democratic animal welfare organizations, we have several times had different opinions compared with the LRF on how far and the pace at which animal welfare for farm animals should be run. The discussion will continue in the future, but for us it is obvious that working with legal methods and in full transparency.”

“The examples of threats and violence which has now been directly counter-productive for a better animal welfare. We are reputable organisations likely to be regarded with the same distrust as the militant djurrättsaktivisterna, which neither the humans or the animals win. “

“We want to once again, therefore, strongly condemn practices that are based on illegal scaring techniques including or harassment. The democratic roads to bring the debate will be good enough and, above all, the results of the process forward, not backward.”

“nJohan Beck-Friis, secretary general of the Swedish DjurskyddsföreningennLillemor Wodmar, president of the nBo Seaweed, ledamotnKatarina Lingehag-Ekholm, president of the Compassion in World Farming SverigenFredrik Malmgren, president of Animal Friends of the Federation”

“n Join in the debate and comment on the artikelnn – like Aftonbladet Debate on Facebook.”

“the Article is a replica. Read the full the debate here:”