The dispute between Russia and the BBC. The Kremlin makes the station now to investigate due to biased reporting. Advance to a sanction threat the BBC had gone against the Russian channel RT.

Russia takes in response to the British action against the Russian broadcaster RT, the BBC in its sights. It will assess whether the British station with its Reports and in its Internet offer to the Russian laws, informed the media supervision Roskomnadsor.

The spokesman of President Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Peskov, accused the British tradition of the transmitter to be in some Parts of his reporting biased and politically motivated. The reporting by the BBC have raised for a long time, a lot of questions. The concerns in both reports, the policy in Russia, as well as about the Russian role in the Syria conflict.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov watched the BBC for a long time.

The BBC said in a first reaction, the work of the channel in Russia to stand fully in accordance with Russian law and to serve only the aim of research of the independent news and reports.

dispute according to the allegations in the case, Skripal

The UK regulator Ofcom announced on Thursday that the Kremlin had failed to close channel RT over the past year in seven shipments against the imperative of Bipartisanship. Criticizes reports about the poison attack on the Russian Ex-double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Julia, in the southern English town of Salisbury in March. Ofcom threatened the Russian channel with sanctions.

RT editor in chief Margarita Simonyan dismissed the criticism of the British broadcasting supervision as “bullshit”. The threat of Sanctions had come for RT “completely out of the blue,” wrote Simonyan in the short message service Twitter.

The poison attack on the Skripals has led to a serious crisis in relations between Russia and the United Kingdom. The UK makes the Russian government responsible for the attack, the Kremlin rejected from the outset any and all responsibility.

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