The Federal transport Ministry (BMVI), has awarded in the years 2017 and 2018, approximately 26 million euros in consultants fees in the toll for Cars and about 22 million Euro in the case of the Truck-toll without internal audit. This is from an internal statement of the Committee on budgets and of the response to a Small request of the Greens group in the Bundestag, the existence of both the daily mirror. The Federal government writes in its response: “In relation to the procurement of external consulting and support services for the toll for Cars and the Truck toll by the BMVI and its subordinate authorities, since 2013, no internal audits.”

In the Bundestag election campaign in 2013, had used the former CSU party leader Horst Seehofer vehemently for a Car toll for foreign drivers. The tax should be collected on Federal roads and highways. Domestic motorists should be relieved by a lower motor Vehicle tax for toll payments completely. After deduction of the cost of the Car to bring in tolls of a good 500 million euros per year for investments. However, Federal transport Minister, Andreas Scheuer (CSU) has called so far, still no start date for the electronic Vignette: it was initially planned for 2016, now it’s supposed to be the end of the legislative period, 2021 to the extent.

“Berateritis the taxpayer”

at the expense of “Without external adviser to the Minister seems to be able to scuff his Job is not to meet,” said the transport policy spokesman of the Green parliamentary group, Stephan Kühn, the daily mirror. “The Truck-toll System, and the planned toll for Cars in the right gold are donkeys for the consultant. The Berateritis comes at the expense of taxpayers and transparency in the use of public funds.“

daily mirror tomorrow location


From an internal statement of the establishment of the budget Committee shows that for years 2017 to 2019, provided fees for law firms, order Auditors and experts in the amount of approximately 47 million euros for the toll for Cars and about 35 million euros for the Truck toll so far, more than half is already spent. Therefore, approximately 8.6 million euros in the past ten years, in addition to Toll-Collect for IT-projects and technical assistance flowed.

8.6 million were received in addition to Toll-Collect for IT-projects

the operator of The Truck toll was recently advised in the criticism: The company shall have provided to the Federal government in violation of the contract since 2004, nearly 300 million euros to much in the bill, including questionable spending for the vintage car Rallye “Hamburg-Berlin-Klassik”, a Board meeting in a Brandenburg luxury hotel, as well as the support of a Berlin children’s home as a “marketing cost”.

The Federal government denies this. After the contract with the consortium, wants to nationalize the Federal government, the toll operator, now part of Daimler and Telekom, temporarily. The Ministry of transport of Andreas Scheuer (CSU) wants to obtain also insight in the entire settlement. 1. March 2019 is Great-will Collect then re-privatised.

More about

allegations against the toll operator’s dubious accounts of Toll Collect

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“transport Minister Scheuer continues his secrecy to consultant contracts undeterred and answered no questions about the million-amounts that he has spent on consultants”, writes Sven-Christian Kindler, a spokesman for financial policy of the Green parliamentary group in the Bundestag. “Scheuer is trying to push the Parliament on the siding, and to escape any control. This will have a parliamentary repercussions.“